View Full Version : Ben as a sympathetic figure

06-17-2010, 10:59 PM
Is it just me or does it seem like Ben is becoming a sympathetic figure because he has been beat up by the media so much.
He obviously needs help (we don't know what) and is getting it. I am hearing from some that just a few months ago wanted his head on a platter are starting to calm down a little bit because of the media beating he has taken. People have seen that he hasn't gotten off scott free, and some who thought he had committed a crime, don't seem to think so anymore. I live in California, but that seems to be the sense Im getting in the last few weeks. Is that a fair assessment?

06-17-2010, 11:05 PM
It's beginning to turn that way because now when a player is in trouble fans are demanding that Goodell "treat him like he treated Ben".

And, the releasing of the actual audio tapes has exposed the bar sluts as the liars they are. Media can print a story any way they want, but they can't alter soundbytes.

People who take the time to hear the audio are now realizing WHY charges weren't filed against him.

And why the same local print media all of the sudden wants to "move on".

They lynched him because he doesn't kiss their ass. The tapes also showed how silly the local media was in reporting this case based on half truths and speculation.

If I'm Ben? Guys like Bouchette, Dulac, Scott Brown, and John Harris would be looking for work, because I wouldn't give them the time of day.

Mike Logan and Chris Mack on 1250 should be ashamed at the way they covered this case.

06-18-2010, 01:05 AM
I am still surprised by the fact that Ben never had any charges filed against him yet he was still given a 6-game suspension. I thought in this country we were supposed to be innocent until proven guilty?

06-18-2010, 06:28 AM
It's just old news now and no one cares anymore.

06-18-2010, 08:09 AM
I am still surprised by the fact that Ben never had any charges filed against him yet he was still given a 6-game suspension. I thought in this country we were supposed to be innocent until proven guilty?
I am not surprised by this fact. He needed this suspension. He will be more grounded
by this punishment. Yes, I know - we the fans thinks its wrong blah blah blah...
But in the end, I thought it was the right thing to do. But I do think it should have been
4 games - and done so by the Rooneys.

stlrz d
06-18-2010, 08:11 AM
I am still surprised by the fact that Ben never had any charges filed against him yet he was still given a 6-game suspension. I thought in this country we were supposed to be innocent until proven guilty?
I am not surprised by this fact. He needed this suspension. He will be more grounded
by this punishment. Yes, I know - we the fans thinks its wrong blah blah blah...
But in the end, I thought it was the right thing to do. But I do think it should have been
4 games - and done so by the Rooneys.

I disagree. Anyone who saw those videos and came away with the idea that Ben did what he was accused of doing is crazy. A 4 game suspension for accusations would have been the right thing to do?


06-18-2010, 08:31 AM
Ben has been a sympathetic figure to me since this whole thing started. If there was anything reasonable to show that he had assaulted someone (sexually or otherwise) I would have been completely repulsed. I have women that are very close to me that have been assaulted in this way and it sickens me so I do take it seriously.

That said, the only thing anyone could come up with was a stupid saying- "If there's smoke, there must be fire." As someone in the Rock N Roll business I happen to know that sometimes when there's smoke, there's a smoke machine. That's what the media has been through this- a big smoke machine. They had tired of Tiger Woods and were looking for the next hero to decimate.

The evidence against Ben was scurrilous, IMO, but people were ready to bite based on the seriousness of the charge rather then the actual evidence. At the end of the day, the guy got a little tipsy for his birthday and happened to buy some shots for a bunch of people that happened to include some underage girls. He apparently had some kind of contact with one of them in a bathroom. Woo-hoo. :roll: Like this is any of my business.

06-18-2010, 09:08 AM
I am still surprised by the fact that Ben never had any charges filed against him yet he was still given a 6-game suspension. I thought in this country we were supposed to be innocent until proven guilty?

Ben was not suspended for his illegal activities. In truth, Ben was suspended by the team.

When all of this was shaking out, he Rooney family was embarassed by the light that was being cast upon their team. They went to Goodell and together they worked out the suspension.

Like it or not, we cannot lay this at the feet of the commish. He was working with the team in laying down their penalty - that was both harsh and unique at the same time. The team then went and leaked false stories to the media about shopping Ben to help scare him straight.

06-18-2010, 09:40 AM
I am still surprised by the fact that Ben never had any charges filed against him yet he was still given a 6-game suspension. I thought in this country we were supposed to be innocent until proven guilty?

Ben was not suspended for his illegal activities. In truth, Ben was suspended by the team.

When all of this was shaking out, he Rooney family was embarassed by the light that was being cast upon their team. They went to Goodell and together they worked out the suspension.

Like it or not, we cannot lay this at the feet of the commish. He was working with the team in laying down their penalty - that was both harsh and unique at the same time. The team then went and leaked false stories to the media about shopping Ben to help scare him straight.

No one wants to admit the FO was ready to suspend Ben regardless... they were very pro active about it.

Not sure about the leaks though...

06-18-2010, 10:07 AM
Ben has been a sympathetic figure to me since this whole thing started. If there was anything reasonable to show that he had assaulted someone (sexually or otherwise) I would have been completely repulsed. I have women that are very close to me that have been assaulted in this way and it sickens me so I do take it seriously.

That said, the only thing anyone could come up with was a stupid saying- "If there's smoke, there must be fire." As someone in the Rock N Roll business I happen to know that sometimes when there's smoke, there's a smoke machine. That's what the media has been through this- a big smoke machine. They had tired of Tiger Woods and were looking for the next hero to decimate.

The evidence against Ben was scurrilous, IMO, but people were ready to bite based on the seriousness of the charge rather then the actual evidence. At the end of the day, the guy got a little tipsy for his birthday and happened to buy some shots for a bunch of people that happened to include some underage girls. He apparently had some kind of contact with one of them in a bathroom. Woo-hoo. :roll: Like this is any of my business.

My sentiments exactly!

By the way, how do you afford your rock and roll lifestyle? :D

06-18-2010, 10:22 AM
how do you afford your rock and roll lifestyle? :D

How much did you pay for the chunk of his guitar,
The one he ruthlessly smashed at the end of the show?
And how much will he pay for a brand new guitar,
One which he'll ruthlessly smash at the end of another show?

06-18-2010, 10:59 AM
how do you afford your rock and roll lifestyle? :D

How much did you pay for the chunk of his guitar,
The one he ruthlessly smashed at the end of the show?
And how much will he pay for a brand new guitar,
One which he'll ruthlessly smash at the end of another show?

And how long will the workers keep building him new ones?
As long as their soda cans are red, white and blue ones.

Excess ain't rebellion. You're drinkin' what they're sellin'. :lol:

06-18-2010, 11:03 AM
how do you afford your rock and roll lifestyle? :D

How much did you pay for the chunk of his guitar,
The one he ruthlessly smashed at the end of the show?
And how much will he pay for a brand new guitar,
One which he'll ruthlessly smash at the end of another show?

And how long will the workers keep building him new ones?
As long as their soda cans are red, white and blue ones.

Excess ain't rebellion. You're drinkin' what they're sellin'. :lol:

you Weezer wannabees....

06-18-2010, 11:51 AM
I bet the Rooney's would have suspended him one, no more than two games.

They were worried about it being 8-10 games. I'm sure they wouldn't have liked that.

The "working with Goodell" IMO had more to do with the steps to help Ben change off the field rather than the amount of games he was suspended for.

06-18-2010, 12:27 PM
how do you afford your rock and roll lifestyle? :D

How much did you pay for the chunk of his guitar,
The one he ruthlessly smashed at the end of the show?
And how much will he pay for a brand new guitar,
One which he'll ruthlessly smash at the end of another show?

And how long will the workers keep building him new ones?
As long as their soda cans are red, white and blue ones.

Excess ain't rebellion. You're drinkin' what they're sellin'. :lol:

you Weezer wannabees....

I can have my Cake and eat it too.

06-18-2010, 12:38 PM
how do you afford your rock and roll lifestyle? :D

How much did you pay for the chunk of his guitar,
The one he ruthlessly smashed at the end of the show?
And how much will he pay for a brand new guitar,
One which he'll ruthlessly smash at the end of another show?

And how long will the workers keep building him new ones?
As long as their soda cans are red, white and blue ones.

Excess ain't rebellion. You're drinkin' what they're sellin'. :lol:

you Weezer wannabees....

I can have my Cake and eat it too.

Santonio preferred half-baked cake.

06-19-2010, 12:47 AM
I'm in Iraq so I didnt get to hear all the sound bites but what bothers me from what I did hear is the fact that girl knows every little detail but yet can't figured out in what position she was in when ben did her???? Makes 0 sense!!!!!! That part bothers the crap out of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry its been on my mind for awhile now.....feels better letting it out.


06-19-2010, 01:21 AM
I'm in Iraq so I didnt get to hear all the sound bites but what bothers me from what I did hear is the fact that girl knows every little detail but yet can't figured out in what position she was in when ben did her???? Makes 0 sense!!!!!! That part bothers the crap out of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry its been on my mind for awhile now.....feels better letting it out.


yes, i agree that she's a lying slut...there, now i feel better too! :Cheers