View Full Version : Black and Tarnished Gold

06-16-2010, 09:51 PM
I took some time to digest all that has gone on this offseason and I'm headed to the pharmacy.

I'm feeling a spot of indigestion.

Ben will still be the talk throughout the season and any fan that thinks when he returns things will go back to normal is living in denial.

When the Steelers hit the road the signs and jeers will be in full display. There are fans of rivals that post on this website daily that I'm sure have started preparing for when the circus rolls into town. Pittsburgh jerseys with RAPE-N-HURTER complete with the number 7 will be seen. The only upside is hoping a fan is clever enough to show up in a black and gold porta-jon or something else that might at least draw a smile to my face.

My original line of thinking on the subject was yeah he's an idiot, yeah he makes bad decisions, your right he probably is a jag-off and no I have no defense for him. I figured that before long there would be evidence to prove that Ben did nothing other than act like a spoiled kid and that no harm was done.

He's the starting quarterback of a team that I have too much affection for, according to my wife, so I'll be forced to cheer for him on Sundays. Well, I'll cheer on the team, and clap sternly when Ben makes a great play.

On April 8th we had our first child, a baby girl, and the conversation involving the phrase "what if it was your daughter?" took on a whole new meaning.

Yeah, I'd kick Ben off of his speeding motorcycle into a stopped vehicle and drag him into some secluded bar bathroom and have my security team keep everyone out while I kicked in his ribs until he coughed up the appendix he claims to of had removed.

Any father would probably cheer.

That's the easy part. The difficult part will be when my daughter is old enough to ask questions. It won't be easy to explain at games why people still cheer for Ben and wear his jersey. I won't tell her it was some young girl trying to be famous. I won't tell her that Ben was never charged so nothing bad happened. I won't tell her that it was all a big misunderstanding. To be honest, right now I don't know how I would explain it. I'm just happy I got a few years to ponder it.

It puts me into a different perspective regarding my team. The Steelers are a part of our family. I have cousins with Iron City ink in their arms with full sleeves of Heinz Field, PNC Park, Mellon Arena, the Rooneys and Championships past. They all say the same thing.

If the Steelers win another championship with Ben at the helm, it simply doesn't count. The 2 titles that came while Ben was the starter will remain. Any future rings will be out.

It's a tough line to draw in the sand considering when the Steelers do well everyone in my area has the fever. A winning team makes the mood in Western PA change. I have too much of myself attached to the franchise.

Right now there are players on this team that I am looking forward to seeing progress. Guys like Mendenhall, Wallace, Hood and Pouncey. All are players that I clapped for on draft day without them ever playing a down for the Steelers. Mike Wallace was a guy that I learned about from avid fans on this website that follow the draft and know more than the so called experts on ESPN. Because of a fellow Steelers' fan that I met through sportsline I was standing up clapping on draft day for a kid that otherwise I would have never heard of. That's one of the greatest parts of being a football fan is the anticipation of the season to come and it would be that way again this year if not for the discussion that will come up every Steelers' game.

You can hear the air leaking out of my lungs.

Now instead of being able to just enjoy the development of some remarkable young talent I'll be reminded every gameday of how the leader of the offense and face of the franchise disgraced his self and everything that I pride myself in as a fan of what I always thought of as the greatest franchise in any sport. Instead of forgetting about the everyday grind and becoming part of something remarkable I'll be forced to hear it again and again and again...

Hard work, integrity, respect for your opponent and respect for yourself. These are the qualities that I have associated with the Steelers since I was a child. These are the qualities that I would like for my daughter to get out of her sports life as well, no matter what sport she decides to be a part of.

As time rolls along perspective on this will change, from my own personal point of view to the eyes of the rest of football fans around the globe. Ben will be singled out and the legacy of the Steelers will remain. It will be realized that one idiot player on a roster of many doesn't make a team of degenerates.

For now the shine of the trophies and the color of the gold might be faded, but in the end when all is said and done the shimmer will be back. Not only in the trophy case but in the eyes of a young girl that was born on April 8th, 2010 that is destined to bleed black and gold.

Just like her daddy. :loser

http://www.cbssports.com/mcc/blogs/entr ... h_Steelers (http://www.cbssports.com/mcc/blogs/entry/12521714/22613018?source=rss_teams_Pittsburgh_Steelers)

Just a blog, but it is the slow season..........

06-16-2010, 10:01 PM
If the Steelers win another championship with Ben at the helm, it simply doesn't count. The 2 titles that came while Ben was the starter will remain. Any future rings will be out.

Please. This dude needs to get a grip on reality...or some mood enhancers. Drama queen.

06-16-2010, 11:28 PM
If that was your daughter? Because I have thought about what I would say if that was my son. Because people try and turn that around on me. And the more I have thought about this the more I would tell me daughter the same thing I would tell my son. She is just as responsible as he is. She was drunk. She wore a sign that was inviting trouble and the little miss DTF had a fake ID that had been taken weeks before. So you know what, if that was my daughter (which it wouldn't be) I would be just as disappointed in her as I would be if that was my son. Because I am going to teach my son to be a gentlemen and not go into strange bathrooms with girls he barely knows. And Im going to teach my daughter to not wear a sign inviting trouble and get plastered drunk and go into bathrooms with men she barely knows. I will not let my children get away with using alcohol as an excuse. Because its not for any reason.

By the way you have to know that I see this whole thing as a girl who made a drunk mistake and didn't want to look like the sorority slut. She is not a victim at all.

06-17-2010, 12:09 AM
If that was your daughter? Because I have thought about what I would say if that was my son. Because people try and turn that around on me. And the more I have thought about this the more I would tell me daughter the same thing I would tell my son. She is just as responsible as he is. She was drunk. She wore a sign that was inviting trouble and the little miss DTF had a fake ID that had been taken weeks before. So you know what, if that was my daughter (which it wouldn't be) I would be just as disappointed in her as I would be if that was my son. Because I am going to teach my son to be a gentlemen and not go into strange bathrooms with girls he barely knows. And Im going to teach my daughter to not wear a sign inviting trouble and get plastered drunk and go into bathrooms with men she barely knows. I will not let my children get away with using alcohol as an excuse. Because its not for any reason.

By the way you have to know that I see this whole thing as a girl who made a drunk mistake and didn't want to look like the sorority slut. She is not a victim at all.

That is exactly what I have been thinking for quite sometime now....She got a lawyer and the next thing you know she drops the case. He told her that her entire college life was going to be put on trial and especially that night. She knows what kind of person she has been and decided correctly along with pulling down all of her networking sites which probably contained character flaws that Ben's lawyers could use, rightfully so......

stlrz d
06-17-2010, 12:26 AM
I couldn't get past the dreadful grammar.

06-17-2010, 01:29 AM
where will this be seen?

on television?

i haven't seen 1 thing on TV in 10 years mocking ray lewis about being involved in 2 murders

06-17-2010, 03:21 AM
Big ben wins another superbowl or performs well and all will be forgiven. he's on thin ice however. as long as he don't F up no more it's all gravy. Haters will always hate, whether ben screwed up or not. I'm so used to the haters, that my skin is very thick. I lay low wearing my # 7 jersey, grant it. as I don't need any BS right now, but I proudly wear my WOODLEY and WARD jerseys with pride. I was walking down the street the other day wearing my WOODLEY jersey and some little kid around 8 yrs old yells at me "SAINTS RULE"
I didn't even turn back or say a word as I had some real situation to handle, I just gave him the thumbs up and kept on walking. but it did make me laugh... Damn, band wagoner little kids.. HAHAHAHA!

Ben will play very very well with a chip on his shoulder with something to prove, he's not in that highpower I'm BIG BEN persona anymore. so I assume... he'll do well. as will we.

06-17-2010, 07:44 AM

06-17-2010, 07:53 AM
If your life is so wrapped up in Ben and the Steelers that you're bothered by this stuff, it may be time to reflect and look in the mirror.

I'm as obsessed as anybody, but let's be real here. Ben F'ed up just like so many players before him. And many of them are still your heros. You overlook their flaws. And you overlook Ben's.

What Ben did is not defendable. It's not even known. His legacy is tarnished. So what? It's his problem. And we can't even know close to the extent of it.

We should be making fun of him too. He's an arse. It's fine. It is what it is.

But my enjoyment of the Steelers doesn't come from what the players do off the field. They win on the field. And they live lives like us off it.

It's not like Ben's our kid or our spouse or our family member or even us for that matter. He's got to lie in his bed at night. And we in ours.

Football's just a game.

And it's brutal on and off the field.

06-17-2010, 10:38 AM
By the way you have to know that I see this whole thing as a girl who made a drunk mistake and didn't want to look like the sorority slut. She is not a victim at all.

Yep, that's about it, IMO.

I also have a young daughter and she still wears her #7 Big Ben jersey with pride.

I guess I'm not really interested in what other teams fans think about anybody on our team. Ben hasn't done anything any worse then many of my friends and favorite celebrities have done. Being accused of something doesn't mean jack to me. Granted, I'm around rockers and such, but I'm just not concerned at all.

06-17-2010, 11:15 AM
By the way you have to know that I see this whole thing as a girl who made a drunk mistake and didn't want to look like the sorority slut. She is not a victim at all.

Yep, that's about it, IMO.

I also have a young daughter and she still wears her #7 Big Ben jersey with pride.

I guess I'm not really interested in what other teams fans think about anybody on our team. Ben hasn't done anything any worse then many of my friends and favorite celebrities have done. Being accused of something doesn't mean jack to me. Granted, I'm around rockers and such, but I'm just not concerned at all.

I'm not that interested in what other fans think either. Hines Ward, a favorite of mine, is constantly goaded about being a dirty player. Does that tarnish the image of the Black and Gold? Of course not. The entire premise of the blog is ludicrous.

Opposing fans will always find things to hate on. If not this situation they would find something else to get on Ben about. Sorry but I don't feel the least bit guilty about cheering for Ben.

:tt2 :tt2

06-17-2010, 12:27 PM
If that was your daughter? Because I have thought about what I would say if that was my son. Because people try and turn that around on me. And the more I have thought about this the more I would tell me daughter the same thing I would tell my son. She is just as responsible as he is. She was drunk. She wore a sign that was inviting trouble and the little miss DTF had a fake ID that had been taken weeks before. So you know what, if that was my daughter (which it wouldn't be) I would be just as disappointed in her as I would be if that was my son. Because I am going to teach my son to be a gentlemen and not go into strange bathrooms with girls he barely knows. And Im going to teach my daughter to not wear a sign inviting trouble and get plastered drunk and go into bathrooms with men she barely knows. I will not let my children get away with using alcohol as an excuse. Because its not for any reason.

By the way you have to know that I see this whole thing as a girl who made a drunk mistake and didn't want to look like the sorority slut. She is not a victim at all.

That is exactly what I have been thinking for quite sometime now....She got a lawyer and the next thing you know she drops the case. He told her that her entire college life was going to be put on trial and especially that night. She knows what kind of person she has been and decided correctly along with pulling down all of her networking sites which probably contained character flaws that Ben's lawyers could use, rightfully so......

That's the Soap Box I've been standing on since this all went down. I can't even begin to tell you the number of time I've witnesses sorority sisters wearing their "colors" and or "letters" and put on a hoodie to "protect their image" while doing a keg stand or dragging a guy in to a bathroom. Yes dragging a guy in to a bathroom. It's all about protecting the sorority. The sisters all went to that club with "DTF" aka "Down to Fvck" on their shirts and did exactly that, but when one gets hammered and then ends up with Big Ben why not go to your wits end to protect the sorority and who knows maybe get some coin for a charter. Unfortunately Big Ben was stupid enough to be in that situation and the girls tried to take advantage.

EDIT: and man is this guy a butt hurt drama queen. Tarnished championships lol, Super Bowls that won't count. Well PLEASE by all means burn your black and gold and STOP WATCHING. It's one less whining ass, over dramatic saucy lady to deal with on Sundays.

06-17-2010, 12:40 PM
First off, I don't really care what opposing-team's fans say/write about our quarterback. Yes, he will see signs and get booed, but it you asked many of them, they would take him in a heartbeat to play for their team. There's not many quarterbacks in this league better than him.

Secondly, I don't get it when I read "Now than I'm a father" or "Because I have a daughter" crap. I have a 9 year old daughter and will raise her NOT to wear a DTF nametag and use illegal IDs to try and drink when she's underage. If I were her parents, I'd be just as disappointed in her actions, as Ben's. Some people seem to think she's this defenseless, victimized person who's done NO wrong. Those people are idiots.

Ben has a lot of growing up to do and I hope that he will, but it won't pain me to root for him this season. He's an athelete who is paid to help the Steelers win. He's not, nor should any athelete, be paid to become role models.

06-17-2010, 12:50 PM
First off, I don't really care what opposing-team's fans say/write about our quarterback. Yes, he will see signs and get booed, but it you asked many of them, they would take him in a heartbeat to play for their team. There's not many quarterbacks in this league better than him.

Secondly, I don't get it when I read "Now than I'm a father" or "Because I have a daughter" crap. I have a 9 year old daughter and will raise her NOT to wear a DTF nametag and use illegal IDs to try and drink when she's underage. If I were her parents, I'd be just as disappointed in her actions, as Ben's. Some people seem to think she's this defenseless, victimized person who's done NO wrong. Those people are idiots.

Ben has a lot of growing up to do and I hope that he will, but it won't pain me to root for him this season. He's an athelete who is paid to help the Steelers win. He's not, nor should any athelete, be paid to become role models.

Thank you. It's so easy for the mainstream media and the clueless parents of the world to paint a certain picture. Meanwhile girls these days are beyond sexually aggressive and throw in the alcohol factor on a collegiate level and as a decent looking male you feel like your being hunted. I had a gf through 90% of college. We met freshman year and have been together 8 years as of Feb. If she weren't in the picture most of the time it would have been ridiculous and I don't say that in pompous fashion. I can't tell you how many times I watched girls throw themselves at my friends and some were even ballsy enough to do it in front my gf if she were out with us at the time. They just don't care and when they have a "target" most go to wits end to achieve their end game.

You aren't a sweet innocent Co-ed when you show up at a major bar with "DTF" on your shirt. Period.

06-17-2010, 02:29 PM
I definitely went to college way too long ago. Girls wearing DTF pins, throwing themselves at guys with wild abandon, kissing each other, wearing skin tight clothing or next to nothing..... *sigh*....

06-17-2010, 02:59 PM
I definitely went to college way too long ago. Girls wearing DTF pins, throwing themselves at guys with wild abandon, kissing each other, wearing skin tight clothing or next to nothing..... *sigh*....


06-17-2010, 03:00 PM
I definitely went to college way too long ago. Girls wearing DTF pins, throwing themselves at guys with wild abandon, kissing each other, wearing skin tight clothing or next to nothing..... *sigh*....

yeah, we really missed out, huh? :(

06-17-2010, 03:11 PM
I went to an Ivy League school. We actually, you know, studied. Imagine that.

06-17-2010, 03:16 PM
I went to college long ago (CMU!), but was lucky enough to get a girlfriend who was an art major. Amazingly enough, she had some Spandex pants, anyone remember those? Ah, those were the days!!

06-17-2010, 03:43 PM
If the Steelers win another championship with Ben at the helm, it simply doesn't count. The 2 titles that came while Ben was the starter will remain. Any future rings will be out


The man wasn't charged. The DA said no probable cause existed for an arrest.

That's all ANYONE with a brain should remember.

Don't bash Ben for drunlken behavior when you slam down a six pack of IC Light during a game.

06-17-2010, 03:57 PM
I went to college long ago (CMU!), but was lucky enough to get a girlfriend who was an art major. Amazingly enough, she had some Spandex pants, anyone remember those? Ah, those were the days!!

lucky guy, you obviously had a great college experience! :Cheers


06-17-2010, 04:31 PM
If that was your daughter? Because I have thought about what I would say if that was my son. Because people try and turn that around on me. And the more I have thought about this the more I would tell me daughter the same thing I would tell my son. She is just as responsible as he is. She was drunk. She wore a sign that was inviting trouble and the little miss DTF had a fake ID that had been taken weeks before. So you know what, if that was my daughter (which it wouldn't be) I would be just as disappointed in her as I would be if that was my son. Because I am going to teach my son to be a gentlemen and not go into strange bathrooms with girls he barely knows. And Im going to teach my daughter to not wear a sign inviting trouble and get plastered drunk and go into bathrooms with men she barely knows. I will not let my children get away with using alcohol as an excuse. Because its not for any reason.

By the way you have to know that I see this whole thing as a girl who made a drunk mistake and didn't want to look like the sorority slut. She is not a victim at all.

That is exactly what I have been thinking for quite sometime now....She got a lawyer and the next thing you know she drops the case. He told her that her entire college life was going to be put on trial and especially that night. She knows what kind of person she has been and decided correctly along with pulling down all of her networking sites which probably contained character flaws that Ben's lawyers could use, rightfully so......

That's the Soap Box I've been standing on since this all went down. I can't even begin to tell you the number of time I've witnesses sorority sisters wearing their "colors" and or "letters" and put on a hoodie to "protect their image" while doing a keg stand or dragging a guy in to a bathroom. Yes dragging a guy in to a bathroom. It's all about protecting the sorority. The sisters all went to that club with "DTF" aka "Down to Fvck" on their shirts and did exactly that, but when one gets hammered and then ends up with Big Ben why not go to your wits end to protect the sorority and who knows maybe get some coin for a charter. Unfortunately Big Ben was stupid enough to be in that situation and the girls tried to take advantage.

EDIT: and man is this guy a butt hurt drama queen. Tarnished championships lol, Super Bowls that won't count. Well PLEASE by all means burn your black and gold and STOP WATCHING. It's one less whining bad word, over dramatic saucy lady to deal with on Sundays.

there was a very small percentage of us saying this from the beginning.

06-17-2010, 05:10 PM
I went to an Ivy League school. We actually, you know, studied. Imagine that.

That's why you're the smartest guy on the board!!!!

06-17-2010, 05:59 PM
I went to an Ivy League school. We actually, you know, studied. Imagine that.

That's why you're the smartest guy on the board!!!!

Unless I go over to the God, Religion, Dogma thread. I'm just as confused about half that stuff as a Browns fan trying to figure out why their team always sucks.

06-17-2010, 06:05 PM
Secondly, I don't get it when I read "Now than I'm a father" or "Because I have a daughter" crap. I have a 9 year old daughter and will raise her NOT to wear a DTF nametag and use illegal IDs to try and drink when she's underage. If I were her parents, I'd be just as disappointed in her actions, as Ben's. Some people seem to think she's this defenseless, victimized person who's done NO wrong. Those people are idiots.

It's funny because so many people used the spin that Ben paid the family off so that they wouldn't want to press charges. I wonder how many of them though it through- the probably reason they didn't want to proceed was so that the media wouldn't get court testimony plastered all over the news as to how much of a drunken slut their daughter was that night (and probably other times as well). Now THAT will embarass a parent!

06-17-2010, 06:19 PM
Secondly, I don't get it when I read "Now than I'm a father" or "Because I have a daughter" crap. I have a 9 year old daughter and will raise her NOT to wear a DTF nametag and use illegal IDs to try and drink when she's underage. If I were her parents, I'd be just as disappointed in her actions, as Ben's. Some people seem to think she's this defenseless, victimized person who's done NO wrong. Those people are idiots.

It's funny because so many people used the spin that Ben paid the family off so that they wouldn't want to press charges. I wonder how many of them though it through- the probably reason they didn't want to proceed was so that the media wouldn't get court testimony plastered all over the news as to how much of a drunken slut their daughter was that night (and probably other times as well). Now THAT will embarass a parent!
I think thats why there won't be a civil suit. Her parents supposedly hold her responsible for what happened and have no desire to sue Ben in Civil Court and just want her name kept out of the paper. Evidently her daddy has some political affiliation. I happen to know who Miss DTF is and I assume thats the reason she was in Paris the day the tapes came out.

06-17-2010, 06:42 PM
If the Steelers win another championship with Ben at the helm, it simply doesn't count. The 2 titles that came while Ben was the starter will remain. Any future rings will be out

Did you root for Insane James in SB XLIII?

06-17-2010, 06:48 PM
Just teach your daughters not to be fake ID using, drunken college sluts, and they will be fine.

Ben tried to get some strange and DTF was convinced by her friends that she was "sexually assaulted".

If you watch her video and believe her story, you're an idiot.

06-17-2010, 08:23 PM
If she is a drunk slut then what is the guy who is trying to hook up with her in the bathroom? The pope?

It's funny how she is a drinking slut skank w.hore because of one night gone wrong with a Steeler QB. Our wives and girlfriends weren't always with us and most of them have had a drunk night and a story they will never tell.

Too extreme? Too real? Yeah...

06-17-2010, 08:31 PM
If she is a drunk slut then what is the guy who is trying to hook up with her in the bathroom? The pope?

It's funny how she is a drinking slut skank w.hore because of one night gone wrong with a Steeler QB. Our wives and girlfriends weren't always with us and most of them have had a drunk night and a story they will never tell.

Too extreme? Too real? Yeah...
Oh don't me wrong, Ben is a man whore too, they are both guilty of stupidity.

06-17-2010, 08:32 PM
Secondly, I don't get it when I read "Now than I'm a father" or "Because I have a daughter" crap. I have a 9 year old daughter and will raise her NOT to wear a DTF nametag and use illegal IDs to try and drink when she's underage. If I were her parents, I'd be just as disappointed in her actions, as Ben's. Some people seem to think she's this defenseless, victimized person who's done NO wrong. Those people are idiots.

It's funny because so many people used the spin that Ben paid the family off so that they wouldn't want to press charges. I wonder how many of them though it through- the probably reason they didn't want to proceed was so that the media wouldn't get court testimony plastered all over the news as to how much of a drunken slut their daughter was that night (and probably other times as well). Now THAT will embarass a parent!
I happen to know who Miss DTF is .

do you know her? or do you know of her?

06-17-2010, 09:40 PM
Secondly, I don't get it when I read "Now than I'm a father" or "Because I have a daughter" crap. I have a 9 year old daughter and will raise her NOT to wear a DTF nametag and use illegal IDs to try and drink when she's underage. If I were her parents, I'd be just as disappointed in her actions, as Ben's. Some people seem to think she's this defenseless, victimized person who's done NO wrong. Those people are idiots.

It's funny because so many people used the spin that Ben paid the family off so that they wouldn't want to press charges. I wonder how many of them though it through- the probably reason they didn't want to proceed was so that the media wouldn't get court testimony plastered all over the news as to how much of a drunken slut their daughter was that night (and probably other times as well). Now THAT will embarass a parent!
I happen to know who Miss DTF is .

do you know her? or do you know of her?
I know who she is. Or better yet I figured out who she is.

06-17-2010, 10:06 PM

stlrz d
06-17-2010, 11:29 PM

No kidding!

06-17-2010, 11:30 PM
PM it to me if you want.

06-17-2010, 11:43 PM
Ummm her Initials are HJ.

06-18-2010, 01:00 AM
Ummm her Initials are HJ.

i thought they were "DTF" :D

06-18-2010, 02:15 AM
Ummm her Initials are HJ.

That's pretty vague

06-18-2010, 06:25 AM
Ummm her Initials are HJ.

I thought they were BJ

stlrz d
06-18-2010, 08:08 AM
Ummm her Initials are HJ.

Heidi Johnson, heiress to the Howard Johnson chain of motels and Paris Hilton's arch enemy?

06-18-2010, 09:26 AM
Ummm her Initials are HJ.

Heidi Johnson, heiress to the Howard Johnson chain of motels and Paris Hilton's arch enemy?

I thought class and dignity were Paris Hilton's arch enemy. :wink:

06-18-2010, 11:20 AM
Ummm her Initials are HJ.

C'mon Siss, you can't leave us hangin :? :mrgreen:

06-18-2010, 11:24 AM
Ummm her Initials are HJ.

C'mon Siss, you can't leave us hangin :? :mrgreen:
Im not giving up the information because I'm afraid if it got out the little slut would sue our QB.

06-18-2010, 11:50 AM
Ummm her Initials are HJ.

Heidi Johnson, heiress to the Howard Johnson chain of motels and Paris Hilton's arch enemy?

I thought class and dignity were Paris Hilton's arch enemy. :wink:

or Nicole Ritchie...

06-18-2010, 12:48 PM
Ummm her Initials are HJ.

C'mon Siss, you can't leave us hangin :? :mrgreen:
Im not giving up the information because I'm afraid if it got out the little slut would sue our QB.

You said you "figured it out" but that doesn't mean you know for sure.

06-18-2010, 01:13 PM
Ummm her Initials are HJ.

C'mon Siss, you can't leave us hangin :? :mrgreen:
Im not giving up the information because I'm afraid if it got out the little slut would sue our QB.

it's not that serious. Plenty of people in GA and Pittsburgh REALLY know who she is.

if you don't know for sure then stop it...

06-18-2010, 02:07 PM
Ummm her Initials are HJ.

C'mon Siss, you can't leave us hangin :? :mrgreen:
Im not giving up the information because I'm afraid if it got out the little slut would sue our QB.

it's not that serious. Plenty of people in GA and Pittsburgh REALLY know who she is.

if you don't know for sure then stop it...
I do know for sure I just don't want to give up the info.

06-18-2010, 02:11 PM
Board Rules - Even if you mention her and don't name her, you still have to post a pic.

06-18-2010, 03:00 PM
Ummm her Initials are HJ.

C'mon Siss, you can't leave us hangin :? :mrgreen:
Im not giving up the information because I'm afraid if it got out the little slut would sue our QB.

it's not that serious. Plenty of people in GA and Pittsburgh REALLY know who she is.

if you don't know for sure then stop it...
I do know for sure I just don't want to give up the info.

Then why bring it up in the first place? :lol:

06-18-2010, 03:05 PM
Board Rules - Even if you mention her and don't name her, you still have to post a pic.


06-18-2010, 03:35 PM

NFL star Ben Roethlisberger was reportedly photographed with the young woman, a college student, who accused him of sexually assaulting her inside the women’s restroom of the Capital City nightclub in Milledgeville, Georgia.

Ben and the unidentified woman were caught in a smiley, cozy moment (allegedly photo above) and of course Ben’s legal team is already gearing up a plan to use it as evidence to prove the woman is a liar. This woman is not the first to accuse big Ben of sexual assault but he will find a way out of his own mess once again.

Although the woman posed with the Steelers player in a photo and they looked happy and friendly, it doesn’t mean the assault didn’t happen. Even if the photo was a bit naughty and x-rated (which is not!), it still doesn’t mean the girl gave her permission for other sexual advances.

Read more: http://bumpshack.com/2010/03/08/ben-roe ... z0rEdzIK6R (http://bumpshack.com/2010/03/08/ben-roethlisberger-accuser-photo-used-as-proof-of-innocence/#ixzz0rEdzIK6R)

06-18-2010, 03:39 PM

Ahh!!! Look at his red eyes! They are burning a hole in my soul! He really is the devil!

06-18-2010, 03:43 PM

Ahh!!! Look at his red eyes! They are burning a hole in my soul! He really is the devil!

here's more proof that what you're saying is true! :twisted:


06-18-2010, 06:42 PM

Ahh!!! Look at his red eyes! They are burning a hole in my soul! He really is the devil!

here's more proof that what you're saying is true! :twisted:


Maybe when he saw her "DTF" button, he thought it meant "Demonic Tramp Fornicator."

06-18-2010, 08:55 PM

Ahh!!! Look at his red eyes! They are burning a hole in my soul! He really is the devil!

here's more proof that what you're saying is true! :twisted:


Maybe when he saw her "DTF" button, he thought it meant "Demonic Tramp Fornicator."
I don't think Ben knows words that big...especially a few drinks in.

NC Steeler Fan
06-20-2010, 01:23 PM
[quote="overdramatic blog guy":21b5uykc]If the Steelers win another championship with Ben at the helm, it simply doesn't count. The 2 titles that came while Ben was the starter will remain. Any future rings will be out.

Please. This dude needs to get a grip on reality...or some mood enhancers. Drama queen.[/quote:21b5uykc]

I may not agree with everything he said, but I bet I could respond without name calling.

06-21-2010, 12:40 PM
If she is a drunk slut then what is the guy who is trying to hook up with her in the bathroom? The pope?

Not pope but a guy looking to get laid. 20 yr old drunk girl with a fake ids and DTF sign are "Bia" in my book. Only problem Big Ben is a 100 million dollar guy who should have stayed away from such girl because she obviously wanted to cash in.

I don't think Big Ben did anything wrong playing with that "ho".

06-21-2010, 12:53 PM
If she is a drunk slut then what is the guy who is trying to hook up with her in the bathroom? The pope?

Not pope but a guy looking to get laid. 20 yr old drunk girl with a fake ids and DTF sign are "Bia" in my book. Only problem Big Ben is a 100 million dollar guy who should have stayed away from such girl because she obviously wanted to cash in.
I don't think Big Ben did anything wrong playing with that "ho".

you just said what he did wrong... then you say he didn't do anything wrong :stirpot

06-21-2010, 03:34 PM
If she is a drunk slut then what is the guy who is trying to hook up with her in the bathroom? The pope?

It's funny how she is a drinking slut skank w.hore because of one night gone wrong with a Steeler QB. Our wives and girlfriends weren't always with us and most of them have had a drunk night and a story they will never tell.

Too extreme? Too real? Yeah...

You're also leaving out one very important fact. Little miss innocent and or the "one time slut" went to the bar wearing a "DTF" sticker/pin/button whatever. If you roll up in a bar, in a college town and you're wearing a "DTF" anything you aren't a first time hoe bag. You're a seasoned vet and a campus known Ho Ho Ho. Period. Don't get it twisted. There are certainly instances of poor judgment and one time things, that once they go down you regret terribly the next day and it's something you never repeat. There are other girls that do it on the regular and have little to no remorse. I don't think the makers of the DTF pin sell pins to subscribers of the first camp. The girl in question and her friends are suhhhhhhhluts. Just a FYI, every campus has a "slut sorority" and I'd wager the one in question was/is that sorority.

06-21-2010, 06:28 PM
[quote="kiwi_sarah":did64xnp][quote="overdramatic blog guy":did64xnp]If the Steelers win another championship with Ben at the helm, it simply doesn't count. The 2 titles that came while Ben was the starter will remain. Any future rings will be out.

Please. This dude needs to get a grip on reality...or some mood enhancers. Drama queen.[/quote:did64xnp]

I may not agree with everything he said, but I bet I could respond without name calling.[/quote:did64xnp]

Friend of yours?

06-21-2010, 07:05 PM
[quote="NC Steeler Fan":3lbm2k3x][quote="kiwi_sarah":3lbm2k3x][quote="overdramatic blog guy":3lbm2k3x]If the Steelers win another championship with Ben at the helm, it simply doesn't count. The 2 titles that came while Ben was the starter will remain. Any future rings will be out.

Please. This dude needs to get a grip on reality...or some mood enhancers. Drama queen.[/quote:3lbm2k3x]

I may not agree with everything he said, but I bet I could respond without name calling.[/quote:3lbm2k3x]

Friend of yours?[/quote:3lbm2k3x]


http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/7461/crazycatfight.jpg (http://img514.imageshack.us/i/crazycatfight.jpg/)

:tt2 :tt2 :tt2 :tt2 :tt2 :tt2 :tt2 :tt2 :tt2

06-21-2010, 07:17 PM
[quote="NC Steeler Fan":2a89zf0f][quote="kiwi_sarah":2a89zf0f][quote="overdramatic blog guy":2a89zf0f]If the Steelers win another championship with Ben at the helm, it simply doesn't count. The 2 titles that came while Ben was the starter will remain. Any future rings will be out.

Please. This dude needs to get a grip on reality...or some mood enhancers. Drama queen.

I may not agree with everything he said, but I bet I could respond without name calling.[/quote:2a89zf0f]

Friend of yours?[/quote:2a89zf0f]


http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/7461/crazycatfight.jpg (http://img514.imageshack.us/i/crazycatfight.jpg/)

:tt2 :tt2 :tt2 :tt2 :tt2 :tt2 :tt2 :tt2 :tt2[/quote:2a89zf0f]


06-21-2010, 07:37 PM
[quote="NC Steeler Fan":2qrmht22][quote="kiwi_sarah":2qrmht22][quote="overdramatic blog guy":2qrmht22]If the Steelers win another championship with Ben at the helm, it simply doesn't count. The 2 titles that came while Ben was the starter will remain. Any future rings will be out.

Please. This dude needs to get a grip on reality...or some mood enhancers. Drama queen.

I may not agree with everything he said, but I bet I could respond without name calling.[/quote:2qrmht22]

Friend of yours?[/quote:2qrmht22]


http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/7461/crazycatfight.jpg (http://img514.imageshack.us/i/crazycatfight.jpg/)

:tt2 :tt2 :tt2 :tt2 :tt2 :tt2 :tt2 :tt2 :tt2[/quote:2qrmht22]

lmao - pic from your personal stash? :Boobs

NC Steeler Fan
06-22-2010, 10:03 AM
[quote="NC Steeler Fan":2jwa7d06][quote="kiwi_sarah":2jwa7d06][quote="overdramatic blog guy":2jwa7d06]If the Steelers win another championship with Ben at the helm, it simply doesn't count. The 2 titles that came while Ben was the starter will remain. Any future rings will be out.

Please. This dude needs to get a grip on reality...or some mood enhancers. Drama queen.[/quote:2jwa7d06]

I may not agree with everything he said, but I bet I could respond without name calling.[/quote:2jwa7d06]

Friend of yours?[/quote:2jwa7d06]

No, my dear.

Just a fellow poster who appears to have been pouring out his soul on a board where he felt comfortable enough to do so because most people treat each other with a small measure of respect.

And, you'll have to pardon my saying so, but surely you realize that kicking a fellow bretheren when he's down is bound to draw the ire of some who might find that somewhat boorish?

I have no desire to offend, but I hope that point is not lost on you.

As for a catfight, guys, you know I'm too old for that! :lol:

I suspect you'll soon get your wish though. I'll buy the popcorn... :wink:

06-22-2010, 11:26 AM
[quote="kiwi_sarah":3a80qshy][quote="NC Steeler Fan":3a80qshy][quote="kiwi_sarah":3a80qshy][quote="overdramatic blog guy":3a80qshy]If the Steelers win another championship with Ben at the helm, it simply doesn't count. The 2 titles that came while Ben was the starter will remain. Any future rings will be out.

Please. This dude needs to get a grip on reality...or some mood enhancers. Drama queen.[/quote:3a80qshy]

I may not agree with everything he said, but I bet I could respond without name calling.[/quote:3a80qshy]

Friend of yours?[/quote:3a80qshy]

No, my dear.

Just a fellow poster who appears to have been pouring out his soul on a board where he felt comfortable enough to do so because most people treat each other with a small measure of respect.

And, you'll have to pardon my saying so, but surely you realize that kicking a fellow bretheren when he's down is bound to draw the ire of some who might find that somewhat boorish?

I have no desire to offend, but I hope that point is not lost on you.

As for a catfight, guys, you know I'm too old for that! :lol:

I suspect you'll soon get your wish though. I'll buy the popcorn... :wink:[/quote:3a80qshy]

Just curious, does it bother you when people call Ben a drama queen or other things far much worse even though no one knows for certain exactly what took place? Do you call them boorish for kicking Ben?

I guess the way I see it, if some overzealous, overly dramatic clown is going to put something like this out there on the world wide web for all to see then he opened it up for comments both good and bad.

Pouring his soul out. Please. He's some goofball trying to show off his moral "superiority" while at the same time knowing that the skeletons in his closet are safely hidden because he's not a celebrity or professional athlete so no one gives a rats a$$ about them.

06-22-2010, 04:28 PM
[quote="kiwi_sarah":32c6zb3k][quote="NC Steeler Fan":32c6zb3k][quote="kiwi_sarah":32c6zb3k][quote="overdramatic blog guy":32c6zb3k]If the Steelers win another championship with Ben at the helm, it simply doesn't count. The 2 titles that came while Ben was the starter will remain. Any future rings will be out.

Please. This dude needs to get a grip on reality...or some mood enhancers. Drama queen.[/quote:32c6zb3k]

I may not agree with everything he said, but I bet I could respond without name calling.[/quote:32c6zb3k]

Friend of yours?[/quote:32c6zb3k]

No, my dear.

Just a fellow poster who appears to have been pouring out his soul on a board where he felt comfortable enough to do so because most people treat each other with a small measure of respect.

And, you'll have to pardon my saying so, but surely you realize that kicking a fellow bretheren when he's down is bound to draw the ire of some who might find that somewhat boorish?

I have no desire to offend, but I hope that point is not lost on you.

As for a catfight, guys, you know I'm too old for that! :lol:

I suspect you'll soon get your wish though. I'll buy the popcorn... :wink:[/quote:32c6zb3k]

I'm curious....

You do realise SteelCrazy posted a blog post he didn't author, right? His opinion on the matter is 4 posts down. Scroll.

Did you read the entire thread? I believe someone else used the term "butt-hurt drama queen" while referring to the author. That was ok though?

I know you think it's easy to jump on me because a) I'm new & b) I'm a woman, but in a thread where the term "drunk(en) slut" was used at will (which I have no problem with BTW) I find it comical that you would focus on my calling an obvious drama queen exactly that. Of course you didn't mean to offend, my dear.

As an aside....I don't think anyone here believes when we win another Superbowl with Ben at the helm it won't count, right? Right guys? Cos, that's just stoopid! :wink:

06-22-2010, 04:32 PM
Just curious, does it bother you when people call Ben a drama queen or other things far much worse even though no one knows for certain exactly what took place? Do you call them boorish for kicking Ben?

Uh oh. We were both curious. In my experience that leads to trouble :wink:

06-22-2010, 05:12 PM
For the record...



06-22-2010, 07:05 PM
Just curious, does it bother you when people call Ben a drama queen or other things far much worse even though no one knows for certain exactly what took place? Do you call them boorish for kicking Ben?

Uh oh. We were both curious. In my experience that leads to trouble :wink:

Was going to make a bi-curious joke here until I realized it would be directed at me too. :oops:

06-22-2010, 07:26 PM
Just curious, does it bother you when people call Ben a drama queen or other things far much worse even though no one knows for certain exactly what took place? Do you call them boorish for kicking Ben?

Uh oh. We were both curious. In my experience that leads to trouble :wink:

Was going to make a bi-curious joke here until I realized it would be directed at me too. :oops:

lmao "curious" doesn't really apply to me either. :Boobs

06-23-2010, 08:30 AM
[quote="NC Steeler Fan":s3ue5pk9]

I suspect you'll soon get your wish though. I'll buy the popcorn... :wink:

I know you think it's easy to jump on me because a) I'm new & b) I'm a woman

Here she comes off the top rope:


Seriously Sarah, just send her one of your birthday suit pics and make up. NC's one of the coolest ladies we've got. You 2 will get along just fine.

NC, please kiss and make up with this kid before it gets dirty:


Seriously, you'll both like one another. :tt1 :tt1 :tt1

NC Steeler Fan
06-23-2010, 03:23 PM
I know you think it's easy to jump on me because a) I'm new & b) I'm a woman, but in a thread where the term "drunk(en) slut" was used at will (which I have no problem with BTW) I find it comical that you would focus on my calling an obvious drama queen exactly that. Of course you didn't mean to offend, my dear.

Look, I have no interest in getting into a pis-sing contest with you or anyone else; that defeats my point.

I certainly didn't "jump on"" you because you are a woman. Nah, I'd have said the same thing if you were a guy, trust me.

I did, however, indeed note that you are new on here and my issue was with the fact that you more than likely had no idea whether Steelcrazy was the board patriarch, the village idiot or just another rabid Steeler fan on an all night bender lamenting the latest Ben drama when you slammed his opinions (long winded and dramatic as they may be, sorry dude!) with a drive-by insult that did nothing but belittle him.

Poor him? No, most of us are big boys and girls and could dish it out as well as we could take it. But, that kind of behavior is exactly what most of us came to PlanetSteeler.com to get away from. Most of us got disgusted with the endless, nested-quote, ego-battles and one-liner, name-calling slams on Live and found a damn good place to have fun, beyotch when needed and generally talk football about our beloved Steelers. Do we have battles? Yes, but they don't often leave one or the other bloodied and degraded. nor does anyone have to wade through that level of garbage on a daily basis.

You see, I don't know where you honed your tough girl persona, maybe it was a survival-of-the-fittest board you came from, but you don't need it here. You don't have to be a cocky SOB on here to get along.

Most of these guys will have you rolling in laughter half the time and you'll actually learn a helluva lot more about the Steelers and football than most places I've seen exactly because there isn't the ego-driven slaughter of online personalities here.

A number of members don't post regularly, but always say they learn so much by reading this board and it's always a treat to hear from some of them occasionally.

I'd hate to think any one of them would be discouraged from chiming in because someone slammed them personally into the ground for it.

You are more than welcome here as the guys are usually drooling for more female posters. You are a Steeler fan after all...you can't be all bad. :wink:

06-23-2010, 03:45 PM
I know you think it's easy to jump on me because a) I'm new & b) I'm a woman, but in a thread where the term "drunk(en) slut" was used at will (which I have no problem with BTW) I find it comical that you would focus on my calling an obvious drama queen exactly that. Of course you didn't mean to offend, my dear.

Look, I have no interest in getting into a pis-sing contest with you or anyone else; that defeats my point.

I certainly didn't "jump on"" you because you are a woman. Nah, I'd have said the same thing if you were a guy, trust me.

I did, however, indeed note that you are new on here and my issue was with the fact that you more than likely had no idea whether Steelcrazy was the board patriarch, the village idiot or just another rabid Steeler fan on an all night bender lamenting the latest Ben drama when you slammed his opinions (long winded and dramatic as they may be, sorry dude!) with a drive-by insult that did nothing but belittle him.

Poor him? No, most of us are big boys and girls and could dish it out as well as we could take it. But, that kind of behavior is exactly what most of us came to PlanetSteeler.com to get away from. Most of us got disgusted with the endless, nested-quote, ego-battles and one-liner, name-calling slams on Live and found a damn good place to have fun, beyotch when needed and generally talk football about our beloved Steelers. Do we have battles? Yes, but they don't often leave one or the other bloodied and degraded. nor does anyone have to wade through that level of garbage on a daily basis.

You see, I don't know where you honed your tough girl persona, maybe it was a survival-of-the-fittest board you came from, but you don't need it here. You don't have to be a cocky SOB on here to get along.

Most of these guys will have you rolling in laughter half the time and you'll actually learn a helluva lot more about the Steelers and football than most places I've seen exactly because there isn't the ego-driven slaughter of online personalities here.

A number of members don't post regularly, but always say they learn so much by reading this board and it's always a treat to hear from some of them occasionally.

I'd hate to think any one of them would be discouraged from chiming in because someone slammed them personally into the ground for it.

You are more than welcome here as the guys are usually drooling for more female posters. You are a Steeler fan after all...you can't be all bad. :wink:[/quote:1coaaf8u]

Ummmmm........Steelcrazy posted a blog written by someone else.

NC Steeler Fan
06-23-2010, 03:55 PM
I know you think it's easy to jump on me because a) I'm new & b) I'm a woman, but in a thread where the term "drunk(en) slut" was used at will (which I have no problem with BTW) I find it comical that you would focus on my calling an obvious drama queen exactly that. Of course you didn't mean to offend, my dear.

Look, I have no interest in getting into a pis-sing contest with you or anyone else; that defeats my point.

I certainly didn't "jump on"" you because you are a woman. Nah, I'd have said the same thing if you were a guy, trust me.

I did, however, indeed note that you are new on here and my issue was with the fact that you more than likely had no idea whether Steelcrazy was the board patriarch, the village idiot or just another rabid Steeler fan on an all night bender lamenting the latest Ben drama when you slammed his opinions (long winded and dramatic as they may be, sorry dude!) with a drive-by insult that did nothing but belittle him.

Poor him? No, most of us are big boys and girls and could dish it out as well as we could take it. But, that kind of behavior is exactly what most of us came to PlanetSteeler.com to get away from. Most of us got disgusted with the endless, nested-quote, ego-battles and one-liner, name-calling slams on Live and found a damn good place to have fun, beyotch when needed and generally talk football about our beloved Steelers. Do we have battles? Yes, but they don't often leave one or the other bloodied and degraded. nor does anyone have to wade through that level of garbage on a daily basis.

You see, I don't know where you honed your tough girl persona, maybe it was a survival-of-the-fittest board you came from, but you don't need it here. You don't have to be a cocky SOB on here to get along.

Most of these guys will have you rolling in laughter half the time and you'll actually learn a helluva lot more about the Steelers and football than most places I've seen exactly because there isn't the ego-driven slaughter of online personalities here.

A number of members don't post regularly, but always say they learn so much by reading this board and it's always a treat to hear from some of them occasionally.

I'd hate to think any one of them would be discouraged from chiming in because someone slammed them personally into the ground for it.

You are more than welcome here as the guys are usually drooling for more female posters. You are a Steeler fan after all...you can't be all bad. :wink:

Ummmmm........Steelcrazy posted a blog written by someone else.[/quote:bd9p9618]

Okay, I see it. I stand corrected re: Steel Crazy.

I still get points for style... :lol:

06-23-2010, 04:08 PM
I still get points for style... :lol:

Assuming it's over....

NC Steeler Fan
06-23-2010, 04:22 PM
I still get points for style... :lol:

Assuming it's over....

Well, I ain't making all kissy face, but I will apologize to Kiwisarah for assuming the worst.

I've got my big girl panties on...you have my apologies in that regard. :Bow

As for being over, I've probably bored people far more than necessary. I'm on a week's vacation starting Friday and I will be as far away from a computer as possible. This would have to go on with out me!

06-23-2010, 04:27 PM
[quote="NC Steeler Fan":2bja3wm6]

I still get points for style... :lol:

Assuming it's over....

Well, I ain't making all kissy face, but I will apologize to Kiwisarah for assuming the worst.

I've got my big girl panties on...you have my apologies in that regard. :Bow

As for being over, I've probably bored people far more than necessary. I'm on a week's vacation starting Friday and I will be as far away from a computer as possible. This would have to go on with out me![/quote:2bja3wm6]

Bored people more than necessary? You talked about your panties and used the words "kissy face" in reference to another woman. I think it is safe to say that guys aren't bored by such things. :lol:

06-23-2010, 05:27 PM
[quote="NC Steeler Fan":3ug33muo]

I still get points for style... :lol:

Assuming it's over....

Well, I ain't making all kissy face, but I will apologize to Kiwisarah for assuming the worst.

I've got my big girl panties on...you have my apologies in that regard. :Bow

As for being over, I've probably bored people far more than necessary. I'm on a week's vacation starting Friday and I will be as far away from a computer as possible. This would have to go on with out me!

Bored people more than necessary? You talked about your panties and used the words "kissy face" in reference to another woman. I think it is safe to say that guys aren't bored by such things. :lol:[/quote:3ug33muo]

Exactly, eni just got more popcorn.

Seriously the offseason is boring me out of my mind as usual.

Heck I'm watching soccer and tennis :shock:

06-23-2010, 05:38 PM
I know you think it's easy to jump on me because a) I'm new & b) I'm a woman, but in a thread where the term "drunk(en) slut" was used at will (which I have no problem with BTW) I find it comical that you would focus on my calling an obvious drama queen exactly that. Of course you didn't mean to offend, my dear.

Look, I have no interest in getting into a pis-sing contest with you or anyone else; that defeats my point.

I certainly didn't "jump on"" you because you are a woman. Nah, I'd have said the same thing if you were a guy, trust me.

I did, however, indeed note that you are new on here and my issue was with the fact that you more than likely had no idea whether Steelcrazy was the board patriarch, the village idiot or just another rabid Steeler fan on an all night bender lamenting the latest Ben drama when you slammed his opinions (long winded and dramatic as they may be, sorry dude!) with a drive-by insult that did nothing but belittle him.

Poor him? No, most of us are big boys and girls and could dish it out as well as we could take it. But, that kind of behavior is exactly what most of us came to PlanetSteeler.com to get away from. Most of us got disgusted with the endless, nested-quote, ego-battles and one-liner, name-calling slams on Live and found a damn good place to have fun, beyotch when needed and generally talk football about our beloved Steelers. Do we have battles? Yes, but they don't often leave one or the other bloodied and degraded. nor does anyone have to wade through that level of garbage on a daily basis.

You see, I don't know where you honed your tough girl persona, maybe it was a survival-of-the-fittest board you came from, but you don't need it here. You don't have to be a cocky SOB on here to get along.

Most of these guys will have you rolling in laughter half the time and you'll actually learn a helluva lot more about the Steelers and football than most places I've seen exactly because there isn't the ego-driven slaughter of online personalities here.

A number of members don't post regularly, but always say they learn so much by reading this board and it's always a treat to hear from some of them occasionally.

I'd hate to think any one of them would be discouraged from chiming in because someone slammed them personally into the ground for it.

You are more than welcome here as the guys are usually drooling for more female posters. You are a Steeler fan after all...you can't be all bad. :wink:[/quote:1b836bsx]

tl;dr - I see you eventually got that SteelCrazy posted a blog, so :tt2

NC Steeler Fan
06-23-2010, 05:44 PM
[quote="NC Steeler Fan":c851gbnj][quote="kiwi_sarah":c851gbnj]
I know you think it's easy to jump on me because a) I'm new & b) I'm a woman, but in a thread where the term "drunk(en) slut" was used at will (which I have no problem with BTW) I find it comical that you would focus on my calling an obvious drama queen exactly that. Of course you didn't mean to offend, my dear.

Look, I have no interest in getting into a pis-sing contest with you or anyone else; that defeats my point.

I certainly didn't "jump on"" you because you are a woman. Nah, I'd have said the same thing if you were a guy, trust me.

I did, however, indeed note that you are new on here and my issue was with the fact that you more than likely had no idea whether Steelcrazy was the board patriarch, the village idiot or just another rabid Steeler fan on an all night bender lamenting the latest Ben drama when you slammed his opinions (long winded and dramatic as they may be, sorry dude!) with a drive-by insult that did nothing but belittle him.

Poor him? No, most of us are big boys and girls and could dish it out as well as we could take it. But, that kind of behavior is exactly what most of us came to PlanetSteeler.com to get away from. Most of us got disgusted with the endless, nested-quote, ego-battles and one-liner, name-calling slams on Live and found a damn good place to have fun, beyotch when needed and generally talk football about our beloved Steelers. Do we have battles? Yes, but they don't often leave one or the other bloodied and degraded. nor does anyone have to wade through that level of garbage on a daily basis.

You see, I don't know where you honed your tough girl persona, maybe it was a survival-of-the-fittest board you came from, but you don't need it here. You don't have to be a cocky SOB on here to get along.

Most of these guys will have you rolling in laughter half the time and you'll actually learn a helluva lot more about the Steelers and football than most places I've seen exactly because there isn't the ego-driven slaughter of online personalities here.

A number of members don't post regularly, but always say they learn so much by reading this board and it's always a treat to hear from some of them occasionally.

I'd hate to think any one of them would be discouraged from chiming in because someone slammed them personally into the ground for it.

You are more than welcome here as the guys are usually drooling for more female posters. You are a Steeler fan after all...you can't be all bad. :wink:[/quote:c851gbnj]

tl;dr - I see you eventually got that SteelCrazy posted a blog, so :tt2[/quote:c851gbnj]

Indeed. 8)

You wait til you start gettin' old. It gives a whole new meaning to dazed and confused... :lol: