View Full Version : Sunday morning check-in

06-13-2010, 09:19 AM
Checking in from a beautiful Sunday morning in South Carolina. Looks like a schorcher is on the way. I will get the yard work done early and have a nice cook-out planned for the family.

Here we go Steelers

Here we go


06-13-2010, 10:01 AM
Already scorching in Orlando area.

06-13-2010, 10:14 AM
Feels like a hot and humid one here in Philly.

06-13-2010, 10:20 AM
28 beautiful degrees F here in the Northern Rockies this morning.

06-13-2010, 10:36 AM
Mid 70's here in the Midwest, but really muggy already. Need to run, but I hate running in the humidity...

stlrz d
06-13-2010, 11:13 AM
Mid 70's here in the Midwest, but really muggy already. Need to run, but I hate running in the humidity...

I just took up running to drop some lbs. Doc's orders. I've lost 17 pounds since my physical on 2/25/10 (I'm a slightly doughy 199 pounds now). I've never run more than 2.7 miles in my life. Yesterday I did a 10k (6.2 miles for us You Ess Americans) in 1:18:32. Jogged the whole thing...no walking! http://www.bellinrun.com/

Not too bad, I don't think, for a 43 year old dude who just took up running in late Feb of this year. Temps in Green Bay were in the mid 60s and overcast, so I think that helped.

D Rock
06-13-2010, 11:19 AM
I quit thinking about scorchers and humidity 3 weeks ago for the sake of self preservation. Best to ignore it and pretend its still a bit chilly.

Dallas is a little bit hotter than the Pittsburgh/State College weather I've come to know and now miss.

06-13-2010, 11:25 AM
Mid 70's here in the Midwest, but really muggy already. Need to run, but I hate running in the humidity...

I just took up running to drop some lbs. Doc's orders. I've lost 17 pounds since my physical on 2/25/10 (I'm a slightly doughy 199 pounds now). I've never run more than 2.7 miles in my life. Yesterday I did a 10k (6.2 miles for us You Ess Americans) in 1:18:32. Jogged the whole thing...no walking! http://www.bellinrun.com/

Not too bad, I don't think, for a 43 year old dude who just took up running in late Feb of this year. Temps in Green Bay were in the mid 60s and overcast, so I think that helped.

That's awesome D!!!

I took up running the beginning of this year too. So far, I'm down 33 lbs since January. Ran my first half marathon in early May. My time was 2 hours 40 minutes for the 13.1 miles. Never walked either. Not bad for a soon-to-be 40 year old who also had never ran more than a mile in her life before this year. I never thought I would actually enjoy running, but I do. Give me my Ipod and I'm ready to go. My kids can still beat me in a sprint, but I can outlast them in distances now :Clap

06-13-2010, 11:26 AM
It's 80 degrees and partly cloudy right now in northeast PA. Expecting scattered thunderstorms this afternoon, though, so I'll try to get a swim in before then. I'm glad I cut the grass yesterday morning.

Go Steelers!

06-13-2010, 11:49 AM
3rd straight day of rain here starting to feel like I live in Tacoma Wa again

06-13-2010, 12:14 PM
It's been 95+ the past 3 days in Charlotte. I'm melting.

06-13-2010, 12:42 PM
Mid 70's here in the Midwest, but really muggy already. Need to run, but I hate running in the humidity...

I just took up running to drop some lbs. Doc's orders. I've lost 17 pounds since my physical on 2/25/10 (I'm a slightly doughy 199 pounds now). I've never run more than 2.7 miles in my life. Yesterday I did a 10k (6.2 miles for us You Ess Americans) in 1:18:32. Jogged the whole thing...no walking! http://www.bellinrun.com/

Not too bad, I don't think, for a 43 year old dude who just took up running in late Feb of this year. Temps in Green Bay were in the mid 60s and overcast, so I think that helped.


06-13-2010, 01:21 PM
A nice cool 94 here.

06-13-2010, 02:23 PM
Fort Collins is under the impression that it is Seattle lately. Raining non stop since Friday mid-day. The drive home from work last night was a long one.

06-13-2010, 05:37 PM
Hot and muggy here in State College, I've been running too....to my beer fridge.

Started brewing this spring , I LOVE it, fun tasty hobby.

06-13-2010, 06:52 PM
5:50pm, cloudy 64 degrees in Mankato MN.

Keep working out, D ! the 10K is impressive.

06-13-2010, 10:13 PM
Here in Ohio, we can have all four seasons in one day. I'll take the sun and heat when we get it with no complaints.

stlrz d
06-13-2010, 10:32 PM
Nice job, Steel Gal!

I could have done a little better but for two things. 1) I had never run that far before so I actually ran too slow at first. On the little report you get they show a 5k split time. I was 41:04 at the split (halfway point). 2) I did something to my left knee @ the 4 mile mark. Out side of the knee. I kept running though because I was determined not to walk. Stupid I know, but I had my mind made up. Anyway, once I started walking after the run was over I was in agony. Lasted all the rest of the day and last night. Today it feels much better, but it is dayum swollen! Ice and ibuprofen aren't doing anything to reduce the swelling. I hope it's not a meniscus issue...that would pretty much ruin my summer. :(

Thanks Burgh and Dukie!

06-13-2010, 10:35 PM
Nice stuff D. I had to give up running because of insane pain in my left arch. Getting old sucks.

Next week I start biking. Getting fat sucks worse.

stlrz d
06-13-2010, 10:53 PM
Nice stuff D. I had to give up running because of insane pain in my left arch. Getting old sucks.

Next week I start biking. Getting fat sucks worse.

Yes it does, but it beats the alternative.


06-13-2010, 11:53 PM
You know I how know it's the offseason? We have people giving weather updates, running updates, and talking about getting old and fat.

Btw, it was overcast and 80 today in NE Ohio. I also plan on running 5 miles tomorrow. I ran the Pittsburgh half marathon in May. I ran it in 1:43:47. I guess this means I am faster than stlrz d. Those of you who were at the tailgate last yr know I am also much, much better looking as well!

06-14-2010, 12:44 AM
I guess this means I am faster than stlrz d. Those of you who were at the tailgate last yr know I am also much, much better looking as well!

Now there's something to brag about.

06-14-2010, 01:03 AM
I guess this means I am faster than stlrz d. Those of you who were at the tailgate last yr know I am also much, much better looking as well!

Now there's something to brag about.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

06-14-2010, 07:04 AM
The thing I hate about running long distances is my nipples start to chafe.

06-14-2010, 12:34 PM
congrats to those of you taking up running, I just ran my first marathon in early May (26.2 miles), the Pittsburgh Marathon, I was doing real well but once I hit mile 19, my quads really tightened up, I walked about 10 minutes, I did not meet my goal time of 4 hours, but I was just over it, next year is another year to try

06-14-2010, 12:42 PM
I saw some guy on Dateline that ran a marathon in every state and he was this uber running machine. He'd do things like run 30 miles to get to a marathon and then run the marathon on the same day. And he'd run sick amounts of distance and his body just would not break down. He was running something like 250-300 miles on some days.

He had something like <3% body fat and a resting heart rate of 20 bpm.

He was a super freak.

06-14-2010, 01:24 PM
I saw some guy on Dateline that ran a marathon in every state and he was this uber running machine. He'd do things like run 30 miles to get to a marathon and then run the marathon on the same day. And he'd run sick amounts of distance and his body just would not break down. He was running something like 250-300 miles on some days.

He had something like <3% body fat and a resting heart rate of 20 bpm.

He was a super freak.


06-14-2010, 02:22 PM
I saw some guy on Dateline that ran a marathon in every state and he was this uber running machine. He'd do things like run 30 miles to get to a marathon and then run the marathon on the same day. And he'd run sick amounts of distance and his body just would not break down. He was running something like 250-300 miles on some days.

He had something like <3% body fat and a resting heart rate of 20 bpm.

He was a super freak.


I had a feeling you'd go there as soon as I typed that :lol

06-14-2010, 03:29 PM
I saw some guy on Dateline that ran a marathon in every state and he was this uber running machine. He'd do things like run 30 miles to get to a marathon and then run the marathon on the same day. And he'd run sick amounts of distance and his body just would not break down. He was running something like 250-300 miles on some days.

He had something like <3% body fat and a resting heart rate of 20 bpm.

He was a super freak.


I had a feeling you'd go there as soon as I typed that :lol

Tyrone Biggums could run 250-300 miles in one day if you gave him a single can of Red Balls.


06-14-2010, 03:36 PM
Tyrone Biggums could run 250-300 miles in one day if you gave him a single can of Red Balls.


And Wayne Brady'll bust a cap in yo ar$e.

06-14-2010, 03:57 PM
I guess this means I am faster than stlrz d. Those of you who were at the tailgate last yr know I am also much, much better looking as well!

Now there's something to brag about.
I gotta take it where I can get it!!!!

06-14-2010, 06:20 PM
You know I how know it's the offseason? We have people giving weather updates, running updates, and talking about getting old and fat.

Btw, it was overcast and 80 today in NE Ohio. I also plan on running 5 miles tomorrow. I ran the Pittsburgh half marathon in May. I ran it in 1:43:47. I guess this means I am faster than stlrz d. Those of you who were at the tailgate last yr know I am also much, much better looking as well!

What part of NE Ohio are you from?

06-14-2010, 09:26 PM
You know I how know it's the offseason? We have people giving weather updates, running updates, and talking about getting old and fat.

Btw, it was overcast and 80 today in NE Ohio. I also plan on running 5 miles tomorrow. I ran the Pittsburgh half marathon in May. I ran it in 1:43:47. I guess this means I am faster than stlrz d. Those of you who were at the tailgate last yr know I am also much, much better looking as well!

What part of NE Ohio are you from?
Originally from Boardman. Now live in Mineral Ridge. Did you say you're from Howland?

06-14-2010, 09:53 PM
Originally from Boardman. Now live in Mineral Ridge. Did you say you're from Howland?
My wife is from Boardman ... hate the place. :lol:

06-14-2010, 11:28 PM
You know I how know it's the offseason? We have people giving weather updates, running updates, and talking about getting old and fat.

Btw, it was overcast and 80 today in NE Ohio. I also plan on running 5 miles tomorrow. I ran the Pittsburgh half marathon in May. I ran it in 1:43:47. I guess this means I am faster than stlrz d. Those of you who were at the tailgate last yr know I am also much, much better looking as well!

What part of NE Ohio are you from?
Originally from Boardman. Now live in Mineral Ridge. Did you say you're from Howland?

Yes, until 2002 when I relocated to Charleston, SC with my company.

Was back in Ohio in February (father-in-law passed). Drove threw Mineral Ridge from Akron-Canton airport. Nothing has changed in that town in 30 years. McQuaid's gas station still there.


06-14-2010, 11:48 PM
McQuaid's gas station still there.

Nope. McQuaids just went out of business a few weeks ago.

06-15-2010, 07:51 AM
McQuaid's gas station still there.

Nope. McQuaids just went out of business a few weeks ago.

Yoi, what's this world coming to?
