View Full Version : Your Reactions to the Ben Interview...

06-10-2010, 09:36 PM

We've all seen a lot of these interviews lately (from Tiger Woods to Alex Rodriguez) in which these athletes address their wrong-doings and it's interesting for me to hear people's reactions. Here are mine...

1) Polish. Some athletes are naturally very skilled when it comes to communicating with the media and people in general. They have a natural politician type quality in which they seem to know just what to say and how to say it to make it sound right. Tom Brady is one of these people. He's just really good at it. Ben Roethlisberger is not. But that's ok with me. I almost like it more because although he doesn't know exactly how to manipulate his comments the way many people would like him to, I get the sense that he is for the most part being 'real'. I didn't get the sense that his attorney overly-prepared all of his answers. And I didn't get the sense he was bald face lying (like A-rod saying he only used steroids with the Rangers and never used anything with the Yankees or Mariners... Please.).

2) Sincerity. Look at the part from about 18:30 on. I really felt his sincerity here. This is a guy who has messed up, he realizes it, he realizes that he has hurt a lot of other people, and he legitimately feels bad not only for himself but for those people. And he wants to make it right going forward. That right there is enough for me. I don't care if he's from my favorite or least favorite team. When I see and hear something like that. In my mind, it's done, and it's time to move on.

3) Details. The world we live in is no longer private. The advancements in media give us access to the private lives of famous people and we've become so accustomed to it, a lot of us feel like it's our right. There are a lot of people out there who I'm sure wanted Ben to address exactly what happened that fateful night in order to make his peace and receive forgiveness. I'm just not one of them. Plus i don't think it's going to change anyone's minds. With the details out there right now i think most everyone has made up their minds as to what they believe happened and his play-by-play description doesn't mean much. The alleged crimes were addressed by the law. The authorities had access to all the details and they acted accordingly. As did the commissioner.

4) Remorse. Here's the interesting one for me. I stand by what i said in (2) that Ben feels sorry but I just don't see him as the type that gets overly emotional about these types of things or beats himself up. He seems very thick skinned which I believe is the same quality that makes him such a great quarterback in pressure situations. I also believe there is a part of him that feels "entitled" as we saw in the Tiger Woods video, so I don't know what he actually feels he did wrong and what he feels was ok in his own mind. In his world he probably has gotten a lot of women "offering" themselves to him where everything has turned out fine. To him and Tiger that may seem normal. Again I'm not judging, I'm just saying in some ways I don't think "Ben" sees anything wrong with a quick bathroom escapade. And I don't think in "his" mind he forced he to do anything. She offered.

5) Moving forward. Only time will tell, but I think the suspension is/will be a major deterrent. I could see how bad it hurts him not to be out there with his team and i think by his reaction it will have a significant effect in his future off field behavior.

06-10-2010, 10:16 PM
I see and can agree with many of your points. IMO, the only thing that makes any of this even remotely my business is that whatever happened, our franchise QB will miss the start of the season.

Other than that, I frankly don't care what happened. In fact, I'm more disappointed with the NFL, the FO and many Steelers fans for their reactions to this than I am with Ben. Many of the celebrities that I dig do far worse on a regular basis, IMO.

06-10-2010, 10:35 PM
I see and can agree with many of your points. IMO, the only thing that makes any of this even remotely my business is that whatever happened, our franchise QB will miss the start of the season.

Other than that, I frankly don't care what happened. In fact, I'm more disappointed with the NFL, the FO and many Steelers fans for their reactions to this than I am with Ben. Many of the celebrities that I dig do far worse on a regular basis, IMO.

Some fans went over board in their reactions to Ben's actions. I was disappointed with Ben. I thought he would have more respect for women and people. People draw many conclusions from his actions. I hope he can make better decisions and treat people with respect going forward. I believe in second chances.

It is a good thing that people cared enough to attempt to get Ben heading in the right direction. Ben might eventually end up in jail if not for the organization and league. You should be thankful and not disappointed they took the stance they did with Ben.

Choosing the lesser of two evils is still evil.

stlrz d
06-10-2010, 10:41 PM
I liked that he said only his family knows what really happened. I think that was his big F.U. to everyone who believes the inconsistent stories from the drunken, underaged SoHos.

06-10-2010, 10:44 PM
I see and can agree with many of your points. IMO, the only thing that makes any of this even remotely my business is that whatever happened, our franchise QB will miss the start of the season.

Other than that, I frankly don't care what happened. In fact, I'm more disappointed with the NFL, the FO and many Steelers fans for their reactions to this than I am with Ben. Many of the celebrities that I dig do far worse on a regular basis, IMO.


06-10-2010, 11:33 PM
I liked that he said only his family knows what really happened. I think that was his big F.U. to everyone who believes the inconsistent stories from the drunken, underaged SoHos.

Me too. Well put stlrz d.

06-10-2010, 11:42 PM
I liked that he said only his family knows what really happened. I think that was his big F.U. to everyone who believes the inconsistent stories from the drunken, underaged SoHos.

Not that I agree with all of Bens vices, but he's as much as a victim as the
accuser is. Only difference is that he's guilty in the court of public opinion while she
gets to hide behind a blur.

06-10-2010, 11:44 PM
I liked that he said only his family knows what really happened. I think that was his big F.U. to everyone who believes the inconsistent stories from the drunken, underaged SoHos.

Not that I agree with all of Bens vices, but he's as much as a victim as the
accuser is. Only difference is that he's guilty in the court of public opinion while she
gets to hide behind a blur.

That whole night is a blur to her

06-11-2010, 12:01 AM
:Clap Bravo! :tt1 :D

06-11-2010, 06:45 AM
Good thing I'm immune to HOMERITIS

06-11-2010, 07:17 AM
Good thing I'm immune to HOMERITIS

But you're sure not immune to Trollitis.

06-11-2010, 07:18 AM
1. He gave a shout out to Ronald McDonald house. Nice.

2. He stuck up for his body guards and took all the blame. Nice.

3. When asked about alcohol, he said "honestly" and that says to me everything else was a lie. It also said to me that he's in denial about being an alcoholic.

4. He's either honest or delusional. Either way, it makes you feel for the kid. He's just as much a victim in all of this.

5. I kinda wonder what he really feels bad about?

6. With legal action still outstanding, do you think McNutty can use some of this against him? Should he have waited? Wonder if he'll try to settle quickly?

stlrz d
06-11-2010, 07:56 AM
1. He gave a shout out to Ronald McDonald house. Nice.

2. He stuck up for his body guards and took all the blame. Nice.

3. When asked about alcohol, he said "honestly" and that says to me everything else was a lie. It also said to me that he's in denial about being an alcoholic.

4. He's either honest or delusional. Either way, it makes you feel for the kid. He's just as much a victim in all of this.

5. I kinda wonder what he really feels bad about?

6. With legal action still outstanding, do you think McNutty can use some of this against him? Should he have waited? Wonder if he'll try to settle quickly?

People say "honestly" all the time. It's more for emphasis than anything.

Serious question for you: don't you think it's a bit unfair to label someone you've never spent any significant time with as an alcoholic? Imo, that's no different than calling someone a rapist based on unsubstantiated claims.

06-11-2010, 09:28 AM
1. He gave a shout out to Ronald McDonald house. Nice.

2. He stuck up for his body guards and took all the blame. Nice.

3. When asked about alcohol, he said "honestly" and that says to me everything else was a lie. It also said to me that he's in denial about being an alcoholic.

4. He's either honest or delusional. Either way, it makes you feel for the kid. He's just as much a victim in all of this.

5. I kinda wonder what he really feels bad about?

6. With legal action still outstanding, do you think McNutty can use some of this against him? Should he have waited? Wonder if he'll try to settle quickly?

People say "honestly" all the time. It's more for emphasis than anything.

Serious question for you: don't you think it's a bit unfair to label someone you've never spent any significant time with as an alcoholic? Imo, that's no different than calling someone a rapist based on unsubstantiated claims.

I haven't labeled him anything. I just think when people have to emphasize their honesty, it's because they aren't always honest. It's just a pet peeve of mine.

But even if I did label him an alcoholic, it'd probably be right. If you drink and have negative consequences, that's alcoholism. I assume he was drinking in GA when he had the negative consequences.

Either way, I don't really care. He can drink, I have no issue with it. Just making an observation based on what I saw on the interview.

06-11-2010, 09:28 AM
1. He gave a shout out to Ronald McDonald house. Nice.

2. He stuck up for his body guards and took all the blame. Nice.

3. When asked about alcohol, he said "honestly" and that says to me everything else was a lie. It also said to me that he's in denial about being an alcoholic.

4. He's either honest or delusional. Either way, it makes you feel for the kid. He's just as much a victim in all of this.

5. I kinda wonder what he really feels bad about?

6. With legal action still outstanding, do you think McNutty can use some of this against him? Should he have waited? Wonder if he'll try to settle quickly?

Flip I have to disagree with you on that. Ben could have easily said "a lot of things happened will I was drunk and I apologize and going forward I will curb my drinking." Instead he took all the blame and said he was a jerk and immature. He may have a problem with alcohol, especially because he admitted it runs in his family, but it may not be any of our business either. And it may also be that he likes to party as well.

06-11-2010, 09:36 AM
1. He gave a shout out to Ronald McDonald house. Nice.

2. He stuck up for his body guards and took all the blame. Nice.

3. When asked about alcohol, he said "honestly" and that says to me everything else was a lie. It also said to me that he's in denial about being an alcoholic.

4. He's either honest or delusional. Either way, it makes you feel for the kid. He's just as much a victim in all of this.

5. I kinda wonder what he really feels bad about?

6. With legal action still outstanding, do you think McNutty can use some of this against him? Should he have waited? Wonder if he'll try to settle quickly?

Flip I have to disagree with you on that. Ben could have easily said "a lot of things happened will I was drunk and I apologize and going forward I will curb my drinking." Instead he took all the blame and said he was a jerk and immature. He may have a problem with alcohol, especially because he admitted it runs in his family, but it may not be any of our business either. And it may also be that he likes to party as well.

like i was saying to stlr-d, i'm not calling him out, just making an observation based on what i saw. and i don't care if he drinks or doesn't. it's fine by me. not that that even matters.

but one other thing to consider is that goodell did seem to make the suspension related to alcohol.

and i do think it's big of ben to blame himself and not the alcohol.

but ben always does that. he blames himself for sacks when the oline forgets to block anybody. he regularly takes accountability even when he shouldn't. he's a leader like that. a role model in a sense. i like that about ben.

but the facts do point toward alcohol being involved in all of this to some degree.

06-11-2010, 09:41 AM
honestly... those who label him and those who defend him have the same limited info to base it on. I'll say it's a wash.

Honestly... if S.Holmes gave the same interview who would belive him? Actions speak louder than words. Ben gave a great interview on ESPN about being a better leader and then this happened.

Don't talk about it... be about it.

06-11-2010, 09:45 AM
Ben is a RAPIST. Put him in jail and give the key to HHM. :roll:

06-11-2010, 10:01 AM
Ben is a RAPIST. Put him in jail and give the key to HHM. :roll:

Ben is so not a raper


06-11-2010, 10:28 AM
Ben is a RAPIST. Put him in jail and give the key to HHM. :roll:
If he was a rapist he would be in jail. This case was a small town DA's wet dream and if thought he had a case he would have pressed charges. Not only that but that girl was so obviously lying. Either get over it and jump on the train or turn in your terrible towel and go cheer for the browns.

06-11-2010, 10:39 AM
I thought he seemed very sincere and handled himself well. I particularly liked the part when he talked about Cowher. He said they had a long talk about this and things in a broader spectrum or something. He said he considers him a friend now, which didn't seem like he did before.

06-11-2010, 10:47 AM
Alcohol, alcohol alcohol....
This is the big problem with Ben. As well as Skippy.
They are both in their 20s and love to party.
We all did at that age. I'll admit, I've done some
stupid **** in my 20s back in the 80s. Lots of them.
Although none like Ben's. As I was always carefull
in regards with girls/women.
Hopefully he'll grow up and learn from his mistakes.
Time will tell. But I think he will. He can still party.
Just needs to be smart about it.

06-11-2010, 12:03 PM
My reaction to the interview, is that it's a positive step towards his over-all

Rehab is not quite the right word, because rehab to me deals with issues regarding
drugs. I guess that means that I kinda stero-type certain people with certain issues.

There is rehab for everything....including snagging a "Fork" out of the garbage....LOL!

Make no mistake, there was alcohol involved. The behavior was an on-going
problem that may have been going on since high school for all we know.

Maybe the loss of his mother at a young age has caused some sort of psychological
issue, and the way he interacts socially with women. I dunno....

What I do know, is that, Goodell might be an a-hole. But it would appear that the
harsh suspension has scared Ben straight. The fact that Ben has been singled out
as the first player suspended, without having been charged, is very significant.

I don't agree with the lenght of the suspension, but I understand it.

I also think Ben understands it too.


06-11-2010, 12:26 PM
My reaction to the interview, is that it's a positive step towards his over-all

Rehab is not quite the right word, because rehab to me deals with issues regarding
drugs. I guess that means that I kinda stero-type certain people with certain issues.

There is rehab for everything....including snagging a "Fork" out of the garbage....LOL!

Make no mistake, there was alcohol involved. The behavior was an on-going
problem that may have been going on since high school for all we know.

Maybe the loss of his mother at a young age has caused some sort of psychological
issue, and the way he interacts socially with women. I dunno....

What I do know, is that, Goodell might be an a-hole. But it would appear that the
harsh suspension has scared Ben straight. The fact that Ben has been singled out
as the first player suspended, without having been charged, is very significant.

I don't agree with the lenght of the suspension, but I understand it.

I also think Ben understands it too.


When he was apologizing to merchant that couldn't sell his crap, I thought of you and the fork.

Actually, I wonder if you got the fork the same day he met McNutty?

06-11-2010, 12:46 PM
My reaction to the interview, is that it's a positive step towards his over-all

Rehab is not quite the right word, because rehab to me deals with issues regarding
drugs. I guess that means that I kinda stero-type certain people with certain issues.

There is rehab for everything....including snagging a "Fork" out of the garbage....LOL!

Make no mistake, there was alcohol involved. The behavior was an on-going
problem that may have been going on since high school for all we know.

Maybe the loss of his mother at a young age has caused some sort of psychological
issue, and the way he interacts socially with women. I dunno....

What I do know, is that, Goodell might be an a-hole. But it would appear that the
harsh suspension has scared Ben straight. The fact that Ben has been singled out
as the first player suspended, without having been charged, is very significant.

I don't agree with the lenght of the suspension, but I understand it.

I also think Ben understands it too.


When he was apologizing to merchant that couldn't sell his crap, I thought of you and the fork.

Actually, I wonder if you got the fork the same day he met McNutty?


No, the "Fork of Greatness" was born in July of 2006. The McNutty thing was
in July 2008.


06-11-2010, 01:11 PM
Ben is a RAPIST. Put him in jail and give the key to HHM. :roll:
If he was a rapist he would be in jail. This case was a small town DA's wet dream and if thought he had a case he would have pressed charges. Not only that but that girl was so obviously lying. Either get over it and jump on the train or turn in your terrible towel and go cheer for the browns.

:Clap :Clap :Clap

06-11-2010, 02:10 PM
1. He gave a shout out to Ronald McDonald house. Nice.

2. He stuck up for his body guards and took all the blame. Nice.

3. When asked about alcohol, he said "honestly" and that says to me everything else was a lie. It also said to me that he's in denial about being an alcoholic.

4. He's either honest or delusional. Either way, it makes you feel for the kid. He's just as much a victim in all of this.

5. I kinda wonder what he really feels bad about?

6. With legal action still outstanding, do you think McNutty can use some of this against him? Should he have waited? Wonder if he'll try to settle quickly?

Flip I have to disagree with you on that. Ben could have easily said "a lot of things happened will I was drunk and I apologize and going forward I will curb my drinking." Instead he took all the blame and said he was a jerk and immature. He may have a problem with alcohol, especially because he admitted it runs in his family, but it may not be any of our business either. And it may also be that he likes to party as well.

like i was saying to stlr-d, i'm not calling him out, just making an observation based on what i saw. and i don't care if he drinks or doesn't. it's fine by me. not that that even matters.

but one other thing to consider is that goodell did seem to make the suspension related to alcohol.

and i do think it's big of ben to blame himself and not the alcohol.

but ben always does that. he blames himself for sacks when the oline forgets to block anybody. he regularly takes accountability even when he shouldn't. he's a leader like that. a role model in a sense. i like that about ben.

but the facts do point toward alcohol being involved in all of this to some degree.

I recall Goodell saying the alcohol factor he considered was that Ben bought alcohol for an individual who later turned out to be under age.

There are multiple reports that state all Ben was seen doing all night is nursing a beer.

06-11-2010, 02:22 PM
Ben is a RAPIST. Put him in jail and give the key to HHM. :roll:
If he was a rapist he would be in jail. This case was a small town DA's wet dream and if thought he had a case he would have pressed charges. Not only that but that girl was so obviously lying. Either get over it and jump on the train or turn in your terrible towel and go cheer for the browns.

I don't think you were picking up on my sattire/sarcasm there. :P There's a poster with HHM being prominent letters in their screen name who is on a "Ben is a RAPIST" soap box ... to the exclusion of all logic/argumentation. Hence I spewed the line and suggested we give the key to said poster. :P

But since you are new to the board Ima-let-it-slide. :P :wink: :moon

Nope. Not dropping that terrible towel any time soon. :tt2 :tt2 :tt2

As far as your response, assuming I was being serious ... :Cheers :Agree

06-11-2010, 02:41 PM
Ben is a RAPIST. Put him in jail and give the key to HHM. :roll:
If he was a rapist he would be in jail. This case was a small town DA's wet dream and if thought he had a case he would have pressed charges. Not only that but that girl was so obviously lying. Either get over it and jump on the train or turn in your terrible towel and go cheer for the browns.

I don't think you were picking up on my sattire/sarcasm there. :P There's a poster with HHM being prominent letters in their screen name who is on a "Ben is a RAPIST" soap box ... to the exclusion of all logic/argumentation. Hence I spewed the line and suggested we give the key to said poster. :P

But since you are new to the board Ima-let-it-slide. :P :wink: :moon

Nope. Not dropping that terrible towel any time soon. :tt2 :tt2 :tt2

As far as your response, assuming I was being serious ... :Cheers :Agree

Im sorry I did think you were serious...

But since your not :Cheers :tt1 Go steelers!!!!!

06-11-2010, 07:54 PM
The interviews and pictures show a cluster of significant errors in judgment and behavior by many people that night in Georgia, not just Ben.

He's got to be beyond that now.
The same standard should apply to each of the others.

stlrz d
06-11-2010, 11:36 PM
1. He gave a shout out to Ronald McDonald house. Nice.

2. He stuck up for his body guards and took all the blame. Nice.

3. When asked about alcohol, he said "honestly" and that says to me everything else was a lie. It also said to me that he's in denial about being an alcoholic.

4. He's either honest or delusional. Either way, it makes you feel for the kid. He's just as much a victim in all of this.

5. I kinda wonder what he really feels bad about?

6. With legal action still outstanding, do you think McNutty can use some of this against him? Should he have waited? Wonder if he'll try to settle quickly?

People say "honestly" all the time. It's more for emphasis than anything.

Serious question for you: don't you think it's a bit unfair to label someone you've never spent any significant time with as an alcoholic? Imo, that's no different than calling someone a rapist based on unsubstantiated claims.

I haven't labeled him anything. I just think when people have to emphasize their honesty, it's because they aren't always honest. It's just a pet peeve of mine.

But even if I did label him an alcoholic, it'd probably be right. If you drink and have negative consequences, that's alcoholism. I assume he was drinking in GA when he had the negative consequences.

Either way, I don't really care. He can drink, I have no issue with it. Just making an observation based on what I saw on the interview.

I've heard other people mention that pet peeve as well, but it doesn't mean the person isn't being honest the rest of the time.

That's a pretty general statement.

06-12-2010, 02:52 AM
Steelers' Roethlisberger contrite in TV interviews

Friday, June 11, 2010
By Gary Rotstein, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Ben Roethlisberger granted separate interviews this week to television stations KDKA and WTAE for his first detailed public comments since allegations of sexual assault erupted in Milledgeville, Ga. The local stations aired the interviews yesterday, although without any discussion of his conduct with young women in Milledgeville or Lake Tahoe, Nev., where a hotel employee has filed a civil suit against him. Steelers representatives told the TV stations Roethlisberger would be unable to discuss the incidents because of legal concerns.

In the interviews, Roethlisberger repeatedly faults himself for mistakes, blaming it in part on his immaturity while transitioning from his small-town Findlay, Ohio, background to "big city" Pittsburgh.

"Big Ben just kept building up, and I think it ended up coming off the field, and as the years kept going it just kept taking over Ben Roethlisberger," he told KDKA's Bob Pompeani.

Roethlisberger appeared relaxed and contrite throughout the interviews, with his most emotional moment coming in description of recent talks with his father, who now has a Western Pennsylvania farm Roethlisberger has visited frequently.

"We were talking about everything and how I got kind of lost, and he looked at me and we both kind of broke down, and he said, 'It's good to have my son back.' And that just killed me," Roethlisberger said.

Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10162/10 ... z0qcRwa7Ze (http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10162/1064838-66.stm?cmpid=steelers.xml#ixzz0qcRwa7Ze)

06-12-2010, 09:42 AM
Alcohol, alcohol alcohol....
This is the big problem with Ben. As well as Skippy.
They are both in their 20s and love to party.
We all did at that age. I'll admit, I've done some
stupid bad word in my 20s back in the 80s. Lots of them.
Although none like Ben's. As I was always carefull
in regards with girls/women.
Hopefully he'll grow up and learn from his mistakes.
Time will tell. But I think he will. He can still party.
Just needs to be smart about it.

I can relate to what your saying. At Ben's age, alcohol played a factor in some poor decisions that I made at the time. It was around the age of 28 when I choose to acknowledge that. I still drink, but I have grown to know the difference between a good and a bad choice when drinking. I hope Big Ben can do the same.

06-12-2010, 10:19 AM
I liked that he said only his family knows what really happened. I think that was his big F.U. to everyone who believes the inconsistent stories from the drunken, underaged SoHos.

Not that I agree with all of Bens vices, but he's as much as a victim as the
accuser is. Only difference is that he's guilty in the court of public opinion while she
gets to hide behind a blur.

thats a very good point. its pretty sad that ben's rep is ruined all because of mcnutty and a drunk college ho. it doesnt even matter really what ben did or didnt do. i thought ben's interview was very sincere.

06-12-2010, 11:00 AM
Great thread and great responses. :Clap

I like how Ben took responsiblity and did not blame the alcohol. Many reports, even before this night, told accounts of Ben just "nursing" a drink. The only accounts of Ben being drunk that I have ever read, are the sorority girls statements......and we all know how reliable they are.

I've read several times that Ben does not work out at all for several months after the season ends to let his body heal. The timing of the Georgia fiasco is consistant with "one last night out" before he would need to start training before OTA's begin. Sadly, it took a bid, bad turn.

I think he showed true remorse for having hurt and let down is family. I'm not sure it's really hit him fully about the suspension until he's sitting in his living room watching his team try to win games without him. THAT is when it's going to slap him square in the face and God help the teams on our schedule when he gets back.

06-12-2010, 12:01 PM
Ben was "nursing a beer" :roll: Did he also have his pinky up while sipping it through a straw? Were people checking the temperature to make sure it was the same beer? Wasn't he in VIP and hidden? Didn't he bar hop?

Reports had rape, shots, alcohol, bar hopping, sexual assault and nursing a beer. You guys say it's all lies except for the nursing a beer line.

How funny it is to here the same people who scream "you weren't there" are quick to use the beer nursing report as FACT!!!! LOL!!!!

It's over and done with... Ben is looking better and sounding better. It doesn't help Ben or Ben supporters arguments to keep making excuses for Ben though... He is changing for the better.... I just can't understand why some people are in denial about his past. Maybe it's because they don't want to admit Ben is less then spectacular?

06-12-2010, 12:11 PM
Ben was "nursing a beer" :roll: Did he also have his pinky up while sipping it through a straw? Were people checking the temperature to make sure it was the same beer? Wasn't he in VIP and hidden? Didn't he bar hop?

Reports had rape, shots, alcohol, bar hopping, sexual assault and nursing a beer. You guys say it's all lies except for the nursing a beer line.

How funny it is to here the same people who scream "you weren't there" are quick to use the beer nursing report as FACT!!!! LOL!!!!

It's over and done with... Ben is looking better and sounding better. It doesn't help Ben or Ben supporters arguments to keep making excuses for Ben though... He is changing for the better.... I just can't understand why some people are in denial about his past. Maybe it's because they don't want to admit Ben is less then spectacular?

We are talking about the difference between a few drinks and being buzzed and being an alcoholic. There's also the media that likes to take one statement and twist and turn into it into a story unto itself.

06-12-2010, 12:19 PM
Ben was "nursing a beer" :roll: Did he also have his pinky up while sipping it through a straw? Were people checking the temperature to make sure it was the same beer? Wasn't he in VIP and hidden? Didn't he bar hop?

Reports had rape, shots, alcohol, bar hopping, sexual assault and nursing a beer. You guys say it's all lies except for the nursing a beer line.

How funny it is to here the same people who scream "you weren't there" are quick to use the beer nursing report as FACT!!!! LOL!!!!

It's over and done with... Ben is looking better and sounding better. It doesn't help Ben or Ben supporters arguments to keep making excuses for Ben though... He is changing for the better.... I just can't understand why some people are in denial about his past. Maybe it's because they don't want to admit Ben is less then spectacular?

We are talking about the difference between a few drinks and being buzzed and being an alcoholic. There's also the media that likes to take one statement and twist and turn into it into a story unto itself.

when is the media stating a fact? Is it when the report supports the opinion of the reader?

I think people are pointing to alcohol because it doesn't sound like the actions of a sober guy. If Ben was indeed sober.... I'm sure it would make more people feel a little ehhh about his decisions that night.

06-12-2010, 01:19 PM
The owner of the bar and the most sober guy in the bar that night said that Ben had a buzz. He wasn't the most drunk guy he had ever seen, but he definitely had a buzz. Ben had also been drinking yager bombs all night. This whole thing from the very beginning sounded like two people making dumb decisions. Ben's are well documented. Little Miss DTF's are just as bad and even more dangerous. And I hope her parents are just as upset and had just as many heart to heart talks with there little princess as Ben's parents have had with him. Im not making excuses for him. I have thought for a long time he wasn't as perfect as some would have you believe.

stlrz d
06-12-2010, 01:36 PM
Ben was "nursing a beer" :roll: Did he also have his pinky up while sipping it through a straw? Were people checking the temperature to make sure it was the same beer? Wasn't he in VIP and hidden? Didn't he bar hop?

Reports had rape, shots, alcohol, bar hopping, sexual assault and nursing a beer. You guys say it's all lies except for the nursing a beer line.

How funny it is to here the same people who scream "you weren't there" are quick to use the beer nursing report as FACT!!!! LOL!!!!

It's over and done with... Ben is looking better and sounding better. It doesn't help Ben or Ben supporters arguments to keep making excuses for Ben though... He is changing for the better.... I just can't understand why some people are in denial about his past. Maybe it's because they don't want to admit Ben is less then spectacular?

Nobody said that him nursing a beer was a fact. What was stated is that there are several accounts that stated he was nursing a beer. Just as there are accounts that he was buying shots (which was changed in some stories to "doing shots").

Are you really that dense?

Nobody's in denial. What's being discussed is that some people are assuming that he was intoxicated when there are no definitive reports either way.

Which brings us right back to: none of us were there so none of us know if he was nursing a beer, buzzed, highly intoxicated or somewhere in-between.

06-12-2010, 07:36 PM
Ben was "nursing a beer" :roll: Did he also have his pinky up while sipping it through a straw? Were people checking the temperature to make sure it was the same beer? Wasn't he in VIP and hidden? Didn't he bar hop?

Reports had rape, shots, alcohol, bar hopping, sexual assault and nursing a beer. You guys say it's all lies except for the nursing a beer line.

How funny it is to here the same people who scream "you weren't there" are quick to use the beer nursing report as FACT!!!! LOL!!!!

It's over and done with... Ben is looking better and sounding better. It doesn't help Ben or Ben supporters arguments to keep making excuses for Ben though... He is changing for the better.... I just can't understand why some people are in denial about his past. Maybe it's because they don't want to admit Ben is less then spectacular?

Nobody said that him nursing a beer was a fact. What was stated is that there are several accounts that stated he was nursing a beer. Just as there are accounts that he was buying shots (which was changed in some stories to "doing shots").

Are you really that dense?

Nobody's in denial. What's being discussed is that some people are assuming that he was intoxicated when there are no definitive reports either way.

Which brings us right back to: none of us were there so none of us know if he was nursing a beer, buzzed, highly intoxicated or somewhere in-between.

If Ben wasn't drunk it makes him look like a very bad person... Those who keep hinting at him nursing a beer make him sound like a huge azzzhole. Maybe this is why so many believe he was drunk?

Do you always have to throw jabs when someone says something you don't agree with?

stlrz d
06-13-2010, 10:57 AM
Ben was "nursing a beer" :roll: Did he also have his pinky up while sipping it through a straw? Were people checking the temperature to make sure it was the same beer? Wasn't he in VIP and hidden? Didn't he bar hop?

Reports had rape, shots, alcohol, bar hopping, sexual assault and nursing a beer. You guys say it's all lies except for the nursing a beer line.

How funny it is to here the same people who scream "you weren't there" are quick to use the beer nursing report as FACT!!!! LOL!!!!

It's over and done with... Ben is looking better and sounding better. It doesn't help Ben or Ben supporters arguments to keep making excuses for Ben though... He is changing for the better.... I just can't understand why some people are in denial about his past. Maybe it's because they don't want to admit Ben is less then spectacular?

Nobody said that him nursing a beer was a fact. What was stated is that there are several accounts that stated he was nursing a beer. Just as there are accounts that he was buying shots (which was changed in some stories to "doing shots").

Are you really that dense?

Nobody's in denial. What's being discussed is that some people are assuming that he was intoxicated when there are no definitive reports either way.

Which brings us right back to: none of us were there so none of us know if he was nursing a beer, buzzed, highly intoxicated or somewhere in-between.

If Ben wasn't drunk it makes him look like a very bad person... Those who keep hinting at him nursing a beer make him sound like a huge azzzhole. Maybe this is why so many believe he was drunk?

Do you always have to throw jabs when someone says something you don't agree with?

Only to someone like you who has disliked Ben from the start and who automatically believes the inconsistent stories told by the SoHos.

06-13-2010, 12:23 PM
Whether you like Ben, hate Ben or have no emotions toward the guy this incident didn't look good at all.

I like Ben the QB... Doesn't mean I won't criticize his play... Off the field I'm not a fan and it's interfering with his a ability to get on the field.

06-13-2010, 01:44 PM
I don't have any problems with the guy at all. Seems like many of you who do, might need to look at yourself in the mirror sometime and ask oyurself if you've ever made mistakes in your life. If you've never made mistakes, then great, keep criticizing Ben #7.

We need to move on from this crap. He didn't do anything wrong in my book. No charges, no nothing.

I guarantee you all, that by the time be comes back to play football- starting with the 5th game- people will forget all this crap and he'll be cheered just as he has been in the past.


Way to go Ben- great interview.

06-13-2010, 07:51 PM
I don't have any problems with the guy at all. Seems like many of you who do, might need to look at yourself in the mirror sometime and ask oyurself if you've ever made mistakes in your life. If you've never made mistakes, then great, keep criticizing Ben #7.

We need to move on from this crap. He didn't do anything wrong in my book. No charges, no nothing.

I guarantee you all, that by the time be comes back to play football- starting with the 5th game- people will forget all this crap and he'll be cheered just as he has been in the past.


Way to go Ben- great interview.

If Ben did nothing wrong why is he vowing to be a better person and giving a great interview?

Why are you even posting on this topic? It will pass when it passes.... but everytime Ben has an interview or a story people will respond.

As far as mistakes.... who hasn't made mistakes in their lifetime? That is a weak argument for a Steeler message board. Try using that line when BA makes a mistake and see how it plays out. LOL.

stlrz d
06-13-2010, 10:37 PM
I don't have any problems with the guy at all. Seems like many of you who do, might need to look at yourself in the mirror sometime and ask oyurself if you've ever made mistakes in your life. If you've never made mistakes, then great, keep criticizing Ben #7.

We need to move on from this crap. He didn't do anything wrong in my book. No charges, no nothing.

I guarantee you all, that by the time be comes back to play football- starting with the 5th game- people will forget all this crap and he'll be cheered just as he has been in the past.


Way to go Ben- great interview.


06-13-2010, 10:48 PM
I just want to point out that alcoholism and problems with alcohol are different. The alcoholic needs alcohol. The person with an alcohol problem can go long times without it, but when they have it they don't have any moderation.

We now return you to the name calling and uptight feelings of insecurity.

06-14-2010, 05:51 PM
I do admit to being impressed by the image-crafting. It was wise of the PR people to have Ben in that red (long known as a color of sin) shirt and longer greasy looking hair back when he made his statement after the decision not to press charges. Now he looks clean-cut in more "acceptible" attire and people naturally want to think he's changed for the better somehow.

Bravo, I say!! :Beer