View Full Version : Clark: "Docs say I can play in Denver".

10-31-2009, 09:33 PM
Sorry, I don't believe this is the truth. Either he, or (and this would be very bad) the Steelers team doc isn't right. Spleen gone or not, he could lose other organs if he sickles.

http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/09304/10 ... eelers.xml (http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/09304/1009894-66.stm?cmpid=steelers.xml)

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Steelers' Clark: Docs say I can play at Denver
Saturday, October 31, 2009
By Ed Bouchette, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Steelers safety Ryan Clark said today he's been cleared by doctors to play but remains unsure whether he will take the field in Denver a week from tomorrow.

"Basically, I've been cleared by all the doctors but the decision still hasn't been made," Clark said this afternoon in an interview on ESPN Radio 1250. "We still have time. Obviously it's a Monday night game, so it's a long way from now."

Clark has sickle-cell trait and his blood reacted so poorly in the exertion of playing in the thin Denver air with the Steelers in 2007 that he became almost deathly ill after the game. He wound up having his spleen and gall bladder removed, lost 30 pounds and missed the second half of the 2007 season.

He's been consulting with his doctors for a while about whether he can play in Denver again. He said he will practice all week and at some point decide whether to play.

"Coach and I have talked about it, the doctors talked abut it, my wife and I. We'll figure it out," Clark said in the radio interview. "I'll be there either way. I'll be at the game.

"When the decision is made, I'll let coach decide when to tell the media and everybody whether or not I'm going to play, and I'm going to kind of stay out of it from that standpoint, but I will make the decision.

"If we find out there is a risk, then I'm not going to play. Unless I can be told, 'Hey, you're fine, there's nothing going to happen to any other organs,' then I'm going to play, I'll go try to hurt people and have a great time.

"But if there are any unsure moments about it, I'll sit on the sidelines and wear a hat and coach."

Clark gave an interesting reason why he wants to play in Denver.

"I think kind of the competitor in me, the ego of a football player, it's not so much I want to go beat the Broncos, as I would like to come back fully from a situation that brught me near death and kind of conquer playing in a place that made me ill in that kind of way.

"But you have to take yourself out of it from that standpoint, realize you do have children, you do have a life and you have a career that you would like to be long, so you want to come out healthy."

While he said doctors may have cleared him, they still have not done so to his satisfaction.

"That's understanding the situation enough to know nothing's going to happen to me," Clark explained. "I mean, you can hear certain things, they can put papers in front of you and tests in front of you, but until you're completely comfortable with what you're hearing, it's going to be a tough decision.

"And right now I haven't taken in enough information to make a decision either way."

For more on the Steelers, read the new blog, Ed Bouchette On the Steelers at http://www.post-gazette.com/plus. Ed Bouchette can be reached at ebouchette@post-gazette.com.

Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/09304/10 ... z0VZEvHGCF (http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/09304/1009894-66.stm?cmpid=steelers.xml#ixzz0VZEvHGCF)

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10-31-2009, 11:56 PM
A doctor isn't gonna "clear" him to play if the risk of death is any more than miniscule. Imagine the $hitstorm if he did play, and something bad did happen... unless the Dr. is related to Phil Ivey or something (i.e. a big-time gambler), what would be the point?

11-01-2009, 12:40 AM
I personally don't think it is worth the risk (as a family man myself), but if he chooses to play, he better be taking in a whole bunch of fluids (perhaps including an I.V. before the game, at halftime, and after the game), plus he should be sucking on an oxygen mask for the entire time the Steeler offense is on the field. They could wheel out Hines Ward's hyperbaric chamber onto the sideline for Ryan to lay in whenever the defense is off the field for all I care. If he gets plenty of oxygen and stays fully hydrated, then the effects of the altitude should not be nearly as severe as they could be otherwise.


11-01-2009, 09:34 AM
This is crazy he's considering playing.

We've got some good young backups that can use the work.

11-01-2009, 10:15 AM
Clark just needs to make a freakin decision and live with it. Quit playing out the drama.

11-01-2009, 10:21 AM
Clark just needs to make a freakin decision and live with it. Quit playing out the drama.

it might be drama - but it also might be a ploy to distract denver and have them try to gameplan for different players. personally, i'd be shocked if he plays - but there's no reason to tell denver right now....

11-01-2009, 12:30 PM
I hope he comes out to our tailgate in lot M.

stlrz d
11-01-2009, 01:19 PM
Clark just needs to make a freakin decision and live with it. Quit playing out the drama.

Drama? Really?

11-01-2009, 01:54 PM
Clark just needs to make a freakin decision and live with it. Quit playing out the drama.

What drama? Clark is handling this the way he should. It's his health and he'll make a decision when he's ready.

11-01-2009, 04:49 PM
As someone else mentioned there are probablu dozens of NFL players that have this disease but it affects everyone differently. Obviously based on past history we know it affects Clark much more severely than others. Therefore, this is a decision that is not really a decision.....stay away....

11-01-2009, 05:30 PM
Personally, I don't think he should risk health or death to play. He has been "technically" cleared, but should he do it? The altitude is obviously a factor when dealing with the blood vessels, and physical exertion. I say it's just not that important in the grand scheme of things to risk it. The same "disease" could cause similar effects in other body organs from what I've read.... But I gotta agree with Oveido (yea, believe it or not... LoL!) about playing it up... Hopefully it all has been a bit more straightforward over at the UPMC complex and the coaching staff is planning accordingly.

stlrz d
11-01-2009, 05:37 PM
The team had off all week. Why does he have to make a decision now?

11-01-2009, 05:42 PM
The team had off all week. Why does he have to make a decision now?

While the team has had the week off, I'd bet the coaching staff has still been going "full tilt" on their plans... I'd think it would be easier to plan knowing if he was inclined to play or not.... But as usual, I'm willing to bet a breakfast that we don't know a bit as to what has actually been discussed between him and the team.

... I am still amazed that he's even considering it.... Yea, to play would be great, but why risk it in any way? It's just a game, and his health is more important... If there is even a chance of anything, why do that to your family?

11-01-2009, 05:42 PM
The team had off all week. Why does he have to make a decision now?

It would be nice to know who gets reps at FS with the first team at practice this week.

stlrz d
11-01-2009, 05:48 PM
The team had off all week. Why does he have to make a decision now?

While the team has had the week off, I'd bet the coaching staff has still been going "full tilt" on their plans... I'd think it would be easier to plan knowing if he was inclined to play or not.... But as usual, I'm willing to bet a breakfast that we don't know a bit as to what has actually been discussed between him and the team.

... I am still amazed that he's even considering it.... Yea, to play would be great, but why risk it in any way? It's just a game, and his health is more important... If there is even a chance of anything, why do that to your family?

I agree. That's why I don't think there's any drama on the part of Clark.

He may not have made a decision yet, but the team probably knows with 99% certainty what he is going to do.

I'm sure there's some gamesmanship involved, but not drama.

11-02-2009, 08:20 AM
i dont see any reason why clark should play next monday. if he could possibly die than why risk it? besides if the broncos play like they did yesterday the steelers wont need clark

11-02-2009, 08:39 AM
i dont see any reason why clark should play next monday. if he could possibly die than why risk it? besides if the broncos play like they did yesterday the steelers wont need clark

More appropriately if the Steelers play like the Ravens did yesterday they won't need Clark. However, if Tyrone Carter plays instead of Clark expect Brandon Marshall to have a field day.

11-02-2009, 09:46 AM
This should not even be an issue. The Steelers should step up and tell him he isn't playing. Eliminate "whatever" is going through Clark's head about considering playing. It shouldn't be an issue with the union either. If it effects contract incentives it should be waived. Do the right thing Steelers. Competitive nature is clouding his good judgement. This guy brings 110% in his lunch box every game. Show the world why we are the Steelers organization...The best in the business! The players on this team will respect Clark even if said he wasn't playing but don't let him face this decision. Come on Rooney(s), Colbert, Tomlin,....Be the Steelers!!!

11-02-2009, 10:25 AM
I wouldn't even go out to Denver if I decided not to play in the game.....

The competitor in him wants to play. And I understand that... He needs to take all the time he has available to make a decision, even if it's next weekend.


11-02-2009, 10:28 AM
I wouldn't even go out to Denver if I decided not to play in the game.....

The competitor in him wants to play. And I understand that... He needs to take all the time he has available to make a decision, even if it's next weekend.


He already said that he is going no matter what, even if it is just to stand on the sideline in his Duce Staley Halloween costume. It is apparently not the altitude per se that is the problem. It is the extreme exertion that is required to play an NFL game at that altitude that is the problem.

11-02-2009, 10:32 AM
I know he said he was going, I was saying what I would do if it were me and my decision. If I weren't playing, I'd stay home- just to play it safe...


11-02-2009, 10:56 AM
This should not even be an issue. The Steelers should step up and tell him he isn't playing. Eliminate "whatever" is going through Clark's head about considering playing. It shouldn't be an issue with the union either. If it effects contract incentives it should be waived. Do the right thing Steelers. Competitive nature is clouding his good judgement. This guy brings 110% in his lunch box every game. Show the world why we are the Steelers organization...The best in the business! The players on this team will respect Clark even if said he wasn't playing but don't let him face this decision. Come on Rooney(s), Colbert, Tomlin,....Be the Steelers!!!

I think the individual needs to make the choice not the organization. He has all the info and if he has the slightest misgivings he is an adult and can choose not to play which would be appropriate for him and his family.

The second half of the question in my mind is: If we play AT Denver in the play offs with a trip to the Super Bowl on the line does our outstanding starting FS take another bye?

Hopefully Mundy is showing better in practice than he has in games because I doubt he or Carter can shut down either Marshall or Royal like Ed Reed did yesterday.

11-02-2009, 12:42 PM
Come game day just inactivate him. I hope that's what the steelers will do and if we have to go to Denver for the playoffs then inactivate him again. Clark goes out and risks his health every game just with his style of play. Let's not make the game any riskier for him.

I know we are passionate fans on this board but come on ... this guys health is far more important than any football game. Just think of Clark as injured for this game and move on. Our back-ups should be prepared to play at any time and this is an opportunity for them to step up.

11-02-2009, 12:44 PM
This should not even be an issue. The Steelers should step up and tell him he isn't playing. Eliminate "whatever" is going through Clark's head about considering playing. It shouldn't be an issue with the union either. If it effects contract incentives it should be waived. Do the right thing Steelers. Competitive nature is clouding his good judgement. This guy brings 110% in his lunch box every game. Show the world why we are the Steelers organization...The best in the business! The players on this team will respect Clark even if said he wasn't playing but don't let him face this decision. Come on Rooney(s), Colbert, Tomlin,....Be the Steelers!!!

I think the individual needs to make the choice not the organization. He has all the info and if he has the slightest misgivings he is an adult and can choose not to play which would be appropriate for him and his family.

The second half of the question in my mind is: If we play AT Denver in the play offs with a trip to the Super Bowl on the line does our outstanding starting FS take another bye?

Hopefully Mundy is showing better in practice than he has in games because I doubt he or Carter can shut down either Marshall or Royal like Ed Reed did yesterday.

We differ. I disagree there. I believe this should be an organizational decision. It is even a 2 part reasoning in my mind. I think this decision should have been made for him by the organization based upon the evidence. Basing it all on the "business side" of this game. You can't put (force) an employee in harms way especially when there is evidence to the fact. There is no proof or gurantee that he will be 100% safe to go back to Mile High. Who takes responsibilty? If I'm an owner...Looks like negligence.

That being said, I don't think it should even go to "Reason 2". From an organizational standpoint, I think the Steelers should inform Clark that they believe it would be in the best interest of himself, his family, and the Pittsburgh Steelers, if he would strongly consider missing the trip. This organization was built on intergrity and a winning tradition. It should not be challenged by the risk of long term health problems or even death for a simple game. Championship teams are built to be successful in the event of injury even at the most notable positions. This should be treated just like an injury.

I believe this is one of those rare cases where the Pittsburgh Steelers need to put the player's best interest first before the organizational needs. Win or lose...Ryan Clarks health needs to be the first consideration in this decision. Just my heart felt opinion...

11-03-2009, 02:49 PM
Holmes won't be limited in Denver. Hines said that if he were in Clark's shoes, he would not play against the Broncos.


On the Steelers: Holmes' sickle cell not affected in Denver
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
By Ed Bouchette, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Like Ryan Clark, Santonio Holmes, too, has the sickle-cell trait, which he only discovered this year. Unlike Clark, Holmes played in Denver two years ago without any adverse health problems other than one visiting players experienced for decades in Mile High Stadium.

"I just had a lot of trouble breathing when I was up there last time," Holmes said yesterday. "I was in there before the game, I went out and I was trying to catch my breath and I couldn't do it, so I stayed in [the locker room] a little bit longer [before] coming out on the field."

Holmes started that game and caught six passes for 54 yards and one touchdown in the Steelers' 31-28 loss in that Oct. 21, 2007, game.

"Every time I was taking a break out of the game, I had an oxygen mask, an inhaler right by my side," Holmes said. "It was real tough for me to breathe."

Holmes said he had no other symptoms during or after the game. Clark, of course, did; he became almost deathly ill, eventually had his spleen and gall bladder removed during surgery, lost 30 pounds and did not play again that season. It was blamed on a reaction in his blood to the sickle cell.

Unlike Clark, Holmes said there is no dilemma about whether he will play Monday night in Denver.

"Nah, it hadn't affected me the last time we played there so I don't think it will this time," Holmes said.

He said he has not talked to a doctor about it, never even thought twice about it.

"My focus is getting back ready throughout the week of football," Holmes said. "I have an oxygen chamber at home, a hyperbaric chamber at home, so I'll definitely, probably spend the rest of this week sleeping in it to get a feel for how it will be."

Clark said yesterday, after practicing with his teammates, that he is finished discussing whether he will play Monday night. He referred all questions to Mike Tomlin, and the coach shed some new light on why it is an issue with Clark and not with Holmes.

"It's more than the sickle-cell trait. There are a lot of people that play football in Denver with the sickle-cell trait. Ryan is a unique case where it's the sickle-cell trait and a combination of something else, which I am not educated to speak on. But it is sickle-cell trait in combination with some other pre-existing medical issue that creates it.

"So, Santonio is not at any unique risk, unless he too shares that same medical situation, which I believe at this point he does not."

Tomlin reiterated that Clark "received medical clearance to play in this football game" after coach and player met with a team of doctors Thursday. He said a decision will be made later in the week and that it's not all Clark's choice.

"The decision lies with he and myself," Tomlin said.

"His physical health, his well being, of course, is paramount. We're going to attempt to do what's right, we're going to weigh all our options, and we're going to come to a decision here at some point later this week. Really hadn't put a timetable on it at this point."

Ward would not play

Hines Ward knows what he would do if he were in Ryan Clark's place.

"If it were me, no I wouldn't go," Ward stated flatly yesterday after the Steelers returned from a week off and went through their first practice since they beat Minnesota Oct. 25.

"You know what? Football's second when it comes to someone's life. Life is more important than football to me."

Ward, though, said he can understand why Clark might want to play in Denver.

"We as competitors, it's hard to keep anyone from playing because that's one game you never get back.

"I know he wants to be out there but life is way more precious than football. When football ends, you can still go on and have a productive life. What Ryan went through the last time he was there, to see him lose his spleen and to come to find out it was because of the Denver trip ... if it were me, I wouldn't play. It's not even a question. But I can't speak for somebody else. I don't know how he and his family feel about the situation."

More questions on defense

The Steelers have more than Clark's possible absence to face. Neither linebacker Lawrence Timmons nor defensive end Travis Kirschke practiced yesterday. Timmons left the game against the Vikings with a right ankle injury and Kirschke left with a left calf injury.

"Both of those guys are questionable at this point," Tomlin said.

"Again, this is the early part of the week. There is a little bit more optimism in regards to Lawrence than Travis at this point, but we'll let it play out as we always do."

Willie Parker reported for work but was sent home before practice because he was sick. Tomlin said he should be ready to play in Denver.

The Steelers also switched tight ends on their practice squad, releasing Kevin Brock and adding Eugene Bright, who played at Purdue and was in the Eagles' camp this summer.

11-03-2009, 03:52 PM
This should not even be an issue. The Steelers should step up and tell him he isn't playing.

IMO, they'll step up. Regular season, playoffs, I don't care......the Steelers won't let Clark play in Denver.