View Full Version : Larry Johnson (Chiefs) suspended until 11/09 for gay slurs

10-28-2009, 09:11 PM
KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- The Kansas City Chiefs have suspended running back Larry Johnson until Nov. 9.

The club is on its bye week so Johnson will miss one game, at Jacksonville on Nov. 8.

The three-sentence news release issued Wednesday night said only that Johnson, who turns 30 in a few weeks, was suspended for conduct detrimental to the club.

Johnson used a gay slur twice within a 24-hour period Sunday night and Monday, first on his Twitter account and then again Monday morning after telling reporters he was not talking.

The Chiefs said they would have no further comment on Johnson's status "at this time."

Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press


True Fan
10-28-2009, 09:43 PM
that's f'ing gay

10-28-2009, 10:55 PM
what did he even say?

sd steel
10-29-2009, 10:59 AM
what did he even say?

If I heard correctly he used a word that is used 1000's of times a day in 1000's of schools across this country. He said the "F" word,..........FAGGOT, or a shorter derivative of it.

Crazy country when the PC police are everywhere.

10-29-2009, 11:04 AM
what did he even say?

If I heard correctly he used a word that is used 1000's of times a day in 1000's of schools across this country. He said the "F" word,..........FAGGOT, or a shorter derivative of it.

Crazy country when the PC police are everywhere.

Maybe he's from a country that speaks the Kings english and he was referring to one of these


10-29-2009, 11:30 AM
Programming Alert: Kordell Stewart will be interviewing LJ in the near future.

:twisted: :wft

stlrz d
10-29-2009, 12:32 PM
what did he even say?

If I heard correctly he used a word that is used 1000's of times a day in 1000's of schools across this country. He said the "F" word,..........FAGGOT, or a shorter derivative of it.

Crazy country when the PC police are everywhere.

One time he said fag.

Another time he said to a group of reporters something to the effect of, "I don't want to talk to you faggots".

He could have used a different term there and I think the results would have been the same...you can't talk to people like that. You're a professional and part of your job is talking to the press. Calling them names will never work in your favor...ever.

10-29-2009, 02:43 PM
i think he meant to say that he was hungry and was looking for a FIG newton....

10-29-2009, 04:33 PM
well, i would never survive in the NFL. I'm the most NON PC person in the entire world. PC PIZZES ME OFF!

10-29-2009, 04:38 PM
I would be in favor of trying to trade for Larry Johnson. Parker is up for a contract and we still don't know what we have in Mendenhall.

I would think that a change in scenery would be good for him and after all, he went to Penn State and is from Maryland.

He could be another Jerome. Dangle a 3rd round pick for LJ's services?



10-29-2009, 04:40 PM
I would be in favor of trying to trade for Larry Johnson. Parker is up for a contract and we still don't know what we have in Mendenhall.

I would think that a change in scenery would be good for him and after all, he went to Penn State and is from Maryland.

He could be another Jerome. Dangle a 3rd round pick for LJ's services?


man, parker is getting burned for having just over 3 yds per you want LJ and his 2.7? I know you can't compare them based on their offenses, but seriously dude is washed up. way too many carries in too short of a time.

stlrz d
10-29-2009, 06:47 PM
I would be in favor of trying to trade for Larry Johnson. Parker is up for a contract and we still don't know what we have in Mendenhall.

I would think that a change in scenery would be good for him and after all, he went to Penn State and is from Maryland.

He could be another Jerome. Dangle a 3rd round pick for LJ's services?




10-29-2009, 07:28 PM
well, i would never survive in the NFL. I'm the most NON PC person in the entire world. PC PIZZES ME OFF!

Well at the risk of not being "PC" I'm going to go ahead and say you sound like an effing idiot.

10-29-2009, 07:32 PM
well, i would never survive in the NFL. I'm the most NON PC person in the entire world. PC PIZZES ME OFF!

Well at the risk of not being "PC" I'm going to go ahead and say you sound like an effing idiot.
I'm glad you feel that way. people like you try to guilt trip people into giving up their right to free speech.
i say what i mean and mean what i say and if it hurts your feelings to bad. i don't care. you think i sound like an idiot, so be it.
I'm not gonna argue with you. now if you ever want to say something to my face. i'll post my address and you can come by any time you want.

10-29-2009, 07:36 PM
I would be in favor of trying to trade for Larry Johnson. Parker is up for a contract and we still don't know what we have in Mendenhall.

I would think that a change in scenery would be good for him and after all, he went to Penn State and is from Maryland.

He could be another Jerome. Dangle a 3rd round pick for LJ's services?



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10-29-2009, 09:37 PM
Why not bring him in if we could get him at a great price? We're gonna need another RB cause I doubt Willie will be back. I'd like to see us bring in a vet, even if it's just for experience helping the new guys.

Wallace, Sweed, and Tone have Hines as a role model, Willie had Jerome, who does Menendhall have? Willie? Don't know if Willie makes for a good mentor for the backs. Then again LJ might not be the right one either, but I'd like to see a FA RB come into camp next year.

LJ may just need a change of venue.


Just throwing out ideas to discuss for the bye week.

Everyone happy with the RB corps?

sd steel
10-30-2009, 01:43 AM
well, i would never survive in the NFL. I'm the most NON PC person in the entire world. PC PIZZES ME OFF!

Well at the risk of not being "PC" I'm going to go ahead and say you sound like an effing idiot.
I'm glad you feel that way. people like you try to guilt trip people into giving up their right to free speech.
i say what i mean and mean what i say and if it hurts your feelings to bad. i don't care. you think i sound like an idiot, so be it.
I'm not gonna argue with you. now if you ever want to say something to my face. i'll post my address and you can come by any time you want.

Ya know I love ya Birt, but no reason to fly off the handle. I don't think LJ should have been suspended for 2 games, but he has to be smart enough not to use terms that will come back to bite him in the butt when he is in the public eye. I would bet you would be smart enough to turn off the F bombs if you were famous and talking to reporters or posting on the internet.

10-30-2009, 01:50 AM
it depends what i was famours for! lol.
I can't believe that it's even LEGAL for the team to fine him two games pay.
yea, he's an idiot... so? I wouldn't want him on my team, and honestly what he says has little to do with it (in this regard). it's amazing to me that RAY RAY and Leonard Little are involved in the death of a person and they don't get nearly as much media coverage and negative bias towards them as LJ is for this.
damn hippies.

10-30-2009, 01:51 AM
SD i have an uncle out there in your neck of the weeds. My old man wants to go out and visit him, i'm gonna have to look you up and buy you a beer while i'm there.

sd steel
11-04-2009, 11:45 PM
SD i have an uncle out there in your neck of the weeds. My old man wants to go out and visit him, i'm gonna have to look you up and buy you a beer while i'm there.

Just saw this, no problem...I never turn down a beer! :Cheers (Which my wife thinks is a bad bad thing, because I am normally buying for myself!)

11-05-2009, 02:11 PM
it depends what i was famours for! lol.
I can't believe that it's even LEGAL for the team to fine him two games pay.
yea, he's an idiot... so? I wouldn't want him on my team, and honestly what he says has little to do with it (in this regard). it's amazing to me that RAY RAY and Leonard Little are involved in the death of a person and they don't get nearly as much media coverage and negative bias towards them as LJ is for this.
damn hippies.

I have to agree with Birt on this. You don't have to like a guys opinion but you do have to respect his right to express it. That IS what free speech is all about. I did find it interesting that they were able to suspend him for it.

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't like what he said and think he's all the more ignorant for saying it but if you don't like what he said then ignore it and if you have kids then teach them why you think it is wrong.

I also agree with Birt on how we go over the top on certain issues and others that you would think would be more important we sweep under the rug. For example, we vilefy a guy for his cruelty towards dogs (Michael Vick) yet nobody says a word about a guy constantly knocking his wife around (Warren Moon) and still considers him a role model. The Leonard Little situation is another good example. I mean the guy killed a PERSON yet nobody picketts the games he plays in. Are dogs more important than people?

What you can take about Larry Johnsons statements is he doesn't like gays. Big deal ... I don't like Ravens. :ratsuck

11-05-2009, 04:32 PM
Free speech protection doesn't apply to private institutions. The NFL and the Chiefs, LJ's employer, is free to impose whatever rules they want.

I do agree, though -- the silence on domestic abusers and drunk drivers speaks volumes about the league and its fans...

11-05-2009, 04:47 PM
Free speech protection doesn't apply to private institutions. The NFL and the Chiefs, LJ's employer, is free to impose whatever rules they want.

I do agree, though -- the silence on domestic abusers and drunk drivers speaks volumes about the league and its fans...

I do think Goodell has been making an effort to crack down on such things, though. Remember, when Moon came into the league, Rozelle was commissioner. When Little came into the league, Tagliabue was commissioner. In stark contrast to the Leonard Little situation, when a drunk driving Donte Stallworth killed someone earlier this year, the league came down hard, even when the justice system did not.

11-05-2009, 05:17 PM
Free speech protection doesn't apply to private institutions. The NFL and the Chiefs, LJ's employer, is free to impose whatever rules they want.

I do agree, though -- the silence on domestic abusers and drunk drivers speaks volumes about the league and its fans...

I don't think it's that easy to take away the free speech protection just because they are a private institution. I need to spend another night in the Holiday Inn Express so that I can figure this out. :lol:

11-05-2009, 05:29 PM
I would like to see the NFL suspend players for cursing.

You could argue that the F&^! word is demeaning to women and there's more women than gays in the world. And there are probably more women fans than gay fans that watch football.

Or is the NFL misogynist?

The F@%%)t word usually denotes a male.

Would he have been suspended for calling someone a D&*^? (the female version of F@%%)t)

11-05-2009, 06:16 PM
well, i would never survive in the NFL. I'm the most NON PC person in the entire world. PC PIZZES ME OFF!

Well at the risk of not being "PC" I'm going to go ahead and say you sound like an effing idiot.
I'm glad you feel that way. people like you try to guilt trip people into giving up their right to free speech.
i say what i mean and mean what i say and if it hurts your feelings to bad. i don't care. you think i sound like an idiot, so be it.
I'm not gonna argue with you. now if you ever want to say something to my face. i'll post my address and you can come by any time you want.

I'm confused... You scream about free speech and pc nuts but then threaten a guy when he does what you praised as being un-pc

11-05-2009, 06:52 PM
LJ is an idiot. he should know better than to make slurs like that to the media. i hate pc bs more than anyone and i believe anyone has the right to speak there mind, however when you start throwing faggot out there you have to face what comes after that. what if it wasnt a slur against a sexual orientation. what if it was a race slur? then its a different story. i hate it when people justify gay slurs but if it was their race or sexual orientation they would be offended. the point is if its offensive towards ANYONE its not cool. what if he said i dont want to talk to you crackers? im sure a lot of people would be pissed off and rightfully so. personally i think gay men are disgusting, but i dont hate them. its just gross

11-05-2009, 09:02 PM
It isn't against gay people! It's against annoyingly loud Harley riders! (for those of you that saw South Park this week)


11-05-2009, 09:20 PM
people deserve more respect than what he gave those guys. if they were fags and he called them fags, i would see no problem with that.

L J is a headache and i wouldn't want him on our team but not to hash it out, the rooneys would never allow it. moot point.

is their enough screw ups like L J , T O, and other head cases to create their own team or almost a full playing roster ? you can't use the bengals team, too easy.

11-07-2009, 10:19 AM
Just saw this thread so, of course, I have to weigh in with some comments. Larry has been an enigma for the Chiefs almost from the first day in walked on campus back in 2003. He's had a checkered history of bad behavior off the field and in the locker room.

He pouted and bad mouthed the coaching decisions of Vermeil which led to Vermeil's famous "Take the diapers off" comment directed toward LJ. Significant, because Vermeil never criticized any of his players in the press, at least during his time in KC but Larry brought out the worst in him.

Larry has never been a team guy. He's a poor pass blocker and, in my view, has lost some explosiveness at the point of attack. Used to be that he could take the handoff, plant a leg, push off and get into the secondary. No more.

He's more than worn out his welcome with the Chiefs, wants out of town and off the team (He's hardly alone on that front but is one of few who has stated it publicly), and the quandry for the front office is not allowing him an easy way out lest it sets a precedent for other players that bad behavior can be rewarded.

And then, LJ is less than 100 rushing yards away from a team record set by Priest Holmes. So what to do? I think they'll ultimately keep him on the 53, seldom dress him but pay his game checks, in effect quarantine him from the team and trade him in the off-season for a bag of balls and some used jerseys, if you know what I mean?

A sad conclusion to a once meteoric rising star for a couple of seasons back in 2005-06.

11-07-2009, 12:46 PM
It isn't against gay people! It's against annoyingly loud Harley riders! (for those of you that saw South Park this week)


L J is what i thought of when i saw that episode. south park is such a good show. the episode about whale wars was hilliarious too. those green peace guys are vegan pussies. it is true though the word fag has a very different meaning. same with the word gay. i call a lot of stuff gay but its not refering to gay people

11-07-2009, 02:17 PM
it depends what i was famours for! lol.
I can't believe that it's even LEGAL for the team to fine him two games pay.
yea, he's an idiot... so? I wouldn't want him on my team, and honestly what he says has little to do with it (in this regard). it's amazing to me that RAY RAY and Leonard Little are involved in the death of a person and they don't get nearly as much media coverage and negative bias towards them as LJ is for this.
damn hippies.

I have to agree with Birt on this. You don't have to like a guys opinion but you do have to respect his right to express it. That IS what free speech is all about. I did find it interesting that they were able to suspend him for it.

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't like what he said and think he's all the more ignorant for saying it but if you don't like what he said then ignore it and if you have kids then teach them why you think it is wrong.

I also agree with Birt on how we go over the top on certain issues and others that you would think would be more important we sweep under the rug. For example, we vilefy a guy for his cruelty towards dogs (Michael Vick) yet nobody says a word about a guy constantly knocking his wife around (Warren Moon) and still considers him a role model. The Leonard Little situation is another good example. I mean the guy killed a PERSON yet nobody picketts the games he plays in. Are dogs more important than people?

What you can take about Larry Johnsons statements is he doesn't like gays. Big deal ... I don't like Ravens. :ratsuck
you = LJ ???? maybe

11-07-2009, 02:19 PM
well, i would never survive in the NFL. I'm the most NON PC person in the entire world. PC PIZZES ME OFF!

Well at the risk of not being "PC" I'm going to go ahead and say you sound like an effing idiot.
I'm glad you feel that way. people like you try to guilt trip people into giving up their right to free speech.
i say what i mean and mean what i say and if it hurts your feelings to bad. i don't care. you think i sound like an idiot, so be it.
I'm not gonna argue with you. now if you ever want to say something to my face. i'll post my address and you can come by any time you want.

I'm confused... You scream about free speech and pc nuts but then threaten a guy when he does what you praised as being un-pc
don't be confused. even a child could figure this out.

11-07-2009, 02:24 PM
LJ is an idiot. he should know better than to make slurs like that to the media. i hate pc bs more than anyone and i believe anyone has the right to speak there mind, however when you start throwing faggot out there you have to face what comes after that. what if it wasnt a slur against a sexual orientation. what if it was a race slur? then its a different story. i hate it when people justify gay slurs but if it was their race or sexual orientation they would be offended. the point is if its offensive towards ANYONE its not cool. what if he said i dont want to talk to you crackers? im sure a lot of people would be pissed off and rightfully so. personally i think gay men are disgusting, but i dont hate them. its just gross
really? dave chapelle and chris rock (rock is my favorite comedian) throw around racist crap all the time. it's a double standard.

11-07-2009, 05:02 PM
LJ is an idiot. he should know better than to make slurs like that to the media. i hate pc bs more than anyone and i believe anyone has the right to speak there mind, however when you start throwing faggot out there you have to face what comes after that. what if it wasnt a slur against a sexual orientation. what if it was a race slur? then its a different story. i hate it when people justify gay slurs but if it was their race or sexual orientation they would be offended. the point is if its offensive towards ANYONE its not cool. what if he said i dont want to talk to you crackers? im sure a lot of people would be pissed off and rightfully so. personally i think gay men are disgusting, but i dont hate them. its just gross
really? dave chapelle and chris rock (rock is my favorite comedian) throw around racist crap all the time. it's a double standard.

Doesn't mean it's right. They are internalizing racism. There way of dealing with it. But still not right.

11-07-2009, 06:31 PM
LJ is an idiot. he should know better than to make slurs like that to the media. i hate pc bs more than anyone and i believe anyone has the right to speak there mind, however when you start throwing faggot out there you have to face what comes after that. what if it wasnt a slur against a sexual orientation. what if it was a race slur? then its a different story. i hate it when people justify gay slurs but if it was their race or sexual orientation they would be offended. the point is if its offensive towards ANYONE its not cool. what if he said i dont want to talk to you crackers? im sure a lot of people would be pissed off and rightfully so. personally i think gay men are disgusting, but i dont hate them. its just gross
really? dave chapelle and chris rock (rock is my favorite comedian) throw around racist crap all the time. it's a double standard.

Doesn't mean it's right. They are internalizing racism. There way of dealing with it. But still not right.
i didn't say it was right. did it sound like i said it was right? if people aren't gonna b1tch about those two then they have no right to b1tch about LJ.

11-07-2009, 06:51 PM
LJ is an idiot. he should know better than to make slurs like that to the media. i hate pc bs more than anyone and i believe anyone has the right to speak there mind, however when you start throwing faggot out there you have to face what comes after that. what if it wasnt a slur against a sexual orientation. what if it was a race slur? then its a different story. i hate it when people justify gay slurs but if it was their race or sexual orientation they would be offended. the point is if its offensive towards ANYONE its not cool. what if he said i dont want to talk to you crackers? im sure a lot of people would be pissed off and rightfully so. personally i think gay men are disgusting, but i dont hate them. its just gross
really? dave chapelle and chris rock (rock is my favorite comedian) throw around racist crap all the time. it's a double standard.

Doesn't mean it's right. They are internalizing racism. There way of dealing with it. But still not right.
i didn't say it was right. did it sound like i said it was right? if people aren't gonna b1tch about those two then they have no right to b1tch about LJ.

I shoulda said you are right.

I know you didn't say "it's" right.

But, it still ain't right. Right? :lol:

11-07-2009, 07:40 PM

stlrz d
11-07-2009, 10:19 PM
LJ is an idiot. he should know better than to make slurs like that to the media. i hate pc bs more than anyone and i believe anyone has the right to speak there mind, however when you start throwing faggot out there you have to face what comes after that. what if it wasnt a slur against a sexual orientation. what if it was a race slur? then its a different story. i hate it when people justify gay slurs but if it was their race or sexual orientation they would be offended. the point is if its offensive towards ANYONE its not cool. what if he said i dont want to talk to you crackers? im sure a lot of people would be pissed off and rightfully so. personally i think gay men are disgusting, but i dont hate them. its just gross
really? dave chapelle and chris rock (rock is my favorite comedian) throw around racist crap all the time. it's a double standard.

When gay people call one another fags no one cares either.

But when you call someone faggot and your intentions are to insult then that is hate speech. That's what LJ did.

Also, Chapelle and Rock use humor to bring attention to the ignorance of racism.

11-07-2009, 10:56 PM
LJ is an idiot. he should know better than to make slurs like that to the media. i hate pc bs more than anyone and i believe anyone has the right to speak there mind, however when you start throwing faggot out there you have to face what comes after that. what if it wasnt a slur against a sexual orientation. what if it was a race slur? then its a different story. i hate it when people justify gay slurs but if it was their race or sexual orientation they would be offended. the point is if its offensive towards ANYONE its not cool. what if he said i dont want to talk to you crackers? im sure a lot of people would be pissed off and rightfully so. personally i think gay men are disgusting, but i dont hate them. its just gross
really? dave chapelle and chris rock (rock is my favorite comedian) throw around racist crap all the time. it's a double standard.

When gay people call one another fags no one cares either.

But when you call someone faggot and your intentions are to insult then that is hate speech. That's what LJ did.

Also, Chapelle and Rock use humor to bring attention to the ignorance of racism.

Agree 100%!

11-08-2009, 12:03 AM
LJ is an idiot. he should know better than to make slurs like that to the media. i hate pc bs more than anyone and i believe anyone has the right to speak there mind, however when you start throwing faggot out there you have to face what comes after that. what if it wasnt a slur against a sexual orientation. what if it was a race slur? then its a different story. i hate it when people justify gay slurs but if it was their race or sexual orientation they would be offended. the point is if its offensive towards ANYONE its not cool. what if he said i dont want to talk to you crackers? im sure a lot of people would be pissed off and rightfully so. personally i think gay men are disgusting, but i dont hate them. its just gross
really? dave chapelle and chris rock (rock is my favorite comedian) throw around racist crap all the time. it's a double standard.

When gay people call one another fags no one cares either.

But when you call someone faggot and your intentions are to insult then that is hate speech. That's what LJ did.

Also, Chapelle and Rock use humor to bring attention to the ignorance of racism.
so because one person uses humor to tell you his feelings it is better than someone who uses anger?

11-08-2009, 12:05 AM
in my opinion LJ was less ignorant. it was a reaction. he didn't sit there and plan what to say the way rock and chapelle do.

stlrz d
11-08-2009, 10:43 AM
LJ is an idiot. he should know better than to make slurs like that to the media. i hate pc bs more than anyone and i believe anyone has the right to speak there mind, however when you start throwing faggot out there you have to face what comes after that. what if it wasnt a slur against a sexual orientation. what if it was a race slur? then its a different story. i hate it when people justify gay slurs but if it was their race or sexual orientation they would be offended. the point is if its offensive towards ANYONE its not cool. what if he said i dont want to talk to you crackers? im sure a lot of people would be pissed off and rightfully so. personally i think gay men are disgusting, but i dont hate them. its just gross
really? dave chapelle and chris rock (rock is my favorite comedian) throw around racist crap all the time. it's a double standard.

When gay people call one another fags no one cares either.

But when you call someone faggot and your intentions are to insult then that is hate speech. That's what LJ did.

Also, Chapelle and Rock use humor to bring attention to the ignorance of racism.
so because one person uses humor to tell you his feelings it is better than someone who uses anger?

If you can't see the difference between comedians using humor to point out the ignorance of racism and a bratty RB acting out in anger by calling a bunch of reporters faggots then there's no point in discussing this.