View Full Version : Weather favors Steelers vs. Chargers...

Ezekiel 25:17
01-05-2009, 08:49 AM
Early outlook for Sunday, high 23, low 20 with snow showers. Granted it's early, but the football Gods seem to be smiling on our beloved Black and Gold.

I haven't seen the early line yet, but I assume we're favored by at least 4.

01-05-2009, 09:45 AM
We are favored by 6.

01-05-2009, 09:54 AM
We are favored by 6.

01-05-2009, 10:16 AM
They can't get tomorrows weather right, what makes you think they will get it right 6 days from now???

All i know is when we played the CHAHJERS in the 1994 AFC Championship game it was warmer in Pittsburgh than San Diego that day.

01-05-2009, 10:22 AM
i really don't understand why some folks want bad weather. it only makes the match-up more neutral. personally, i want it to be clear with no wind. bad weather only hinders our d's speed, the o's timing, and ben's throws.

Bolt Writer
01-05-2009, 10:35 AM
We always hear this silliness.

All the Chargers did not grow up surfing and sunning.

This is not Air Coryell. The Bolt's are not built for any particular weather.

The linemen will decide this game, not the weather men.

This is gonna be a good game.

(But yeah, I wish it were gonna be warmer. I DID grow up in SD and I was freezing in Nov.)

01-05-2009, 10:41 AM
i really don't understand why some folks want bad weather. it only makes the match-up more neutral. personally, i want it to be clear with no wind. bad weather only hinders our d's speed, the o's timing, and ben's throws.


We're the significantly better team. I want good weather so we can dominate.

01-05-2009, 10:45 AM
i really don't understand why some folks want bad weather. it only makes the match-up more neutral. personally, i want it to be clear with no wind. bad weather only hinders our d's speed, the o's timing, and ben's throws.


We're the significantly better team. I want good weather so we can dominate.

I don't want a blizzard or extreme wind as we aren't really built for that anymore either.

I wouldn't mind a good dose of COLD. (e.g 15-20 degrees) Just to make the Chargers COLD.

stlrz d
01-05-2009, 10:56 AM
We always hear this silliness.

All the Chargers did not grow up surfing and sunning.

This is not Air Coryell. The Bolt's are not built for any particular weather.

The linemen will decide this game, not the weather men.

This is gonna be a good game.

(But yeah, I wish it were gonna be warmer. I DID grow up in SD and I was freezing in Nov.)

You are correct, but when you are in a nice climate every day (don't gimme no stuff about 40s or 50s either - I'm originally from L.A. so I know that's about as bad as it gets there in the winter) and then travel to a cold climate and have to be outside it is a factor. It does take a toll and sap the energy when you aren't exposed to it on a daily basis.

I don't think it's a deciding factor, but it is a contributing factor.

Welcome to the board by the way. :)

01-05-2009, 11:06 AM
Bad weather is almost always the great talent equalizer (see Miami/Pittsburgh MNF a couple of years ago) I'll take supreme conditions, unless it is againat a team like Indy, who need optimal conditions for the timing of their offense.

stlrz d
01-05-2009, 11:31 AM
Bad weather is almost always the great talent equalizer (see Miami/Pittsburgh MNF a couple of years ago) I'll take supreme conditions, unless it is againat a team like Indy, who need optimal conditions for the timing of their offense.

But cold weather (as long as it isn't extreme) isn't necessarily bad weather.

01-05-2009, 12:16 PM
Bad weather is almost always the great talent equalizer (see Miami/Pittsburgh MNF a couple of years ago) I'll take supreme conditions, unless it is againat a team like Indy, who need optimal conditions for the timing of their offense.

But cold weather (as long as it isn't extreme) isn't necessarily bad weather.

This I would agree with

01-05-2009, 12:34 PM
Sunday will be a great day for a football game.... Please, no wind. I hate the wind. I'm going and I want to be cozy in my seat- ha

01-05-2009, 01:51 PM
How is the field looking? Have they cleaned it up any since the Clowns game?

01-05-2009, 01:52 PM
We always hear this silliness.

All the Chargers did not grow up surfing and sunning.

This is not Air Coryell. The Bolt's are not built for any particular weather.

The linemen will decide this game, not the weather men.

This is gonna be a good game.

(But yeah, I wish it were gonna be warmer. I DID grow up in SD and I was freezing in Nov.)

Welcome to the board BW. Looking forward to a good game.

Ezekiel 25:17
01-06-2009, 10:08 AM
Downgraded temperature-wise. High on Sunday of 19, low of 12.

Bolts are used to that 75 southern Cali weather.

Welcome to Blizzardburgh, baby!!

01-07-2009, 05:22 PM
Temps went up to mid/high 20's. 10 percent chance of snow.

Iron Shiek
01-07-2009, 05:33 PM
Temps went up to mid/high 20's. 10 percent chance of snow.

All this weather talk and I just now realize...THAT I'M GOING TO BE IN IT TOO! It went completely past me, I should be paying more attention to this thread I suppose!

Anyway, bring it on. It can't possibly be any colder than A.) The AFCC game against the cheaters where Harrison returned that INT and taunted my section. I have never gotten over that...plus my beer froze in the cup. And B.) Standing in line to get into the bar across the street from the Super Bowl in Detroit for 5 hours...coldest I've ever been.

01-07-2009, 05:55 PM
Temps went up to mid/high 20's. 10 percent chance of snow.

All this weather talk and I just now realize...THAT I'M GOING TO BE IN IT TOO! It went completely past me, I should be paying more attention to this thread I suppose!

Anyway, bring it on. It can't possibly be any colder than A.) The AFCC game against the cheaters where Harrison returned that INT and taunted my section. I have never gotten over that...plus my beer froze in the cup. And B.) Standing in line to get into the bar across the street from the Super Bowl in Detroit for 5 hours...coldest I've ever been.

I bet after the first time they play the Renegade song you will be warmed up along with 60,000+ other fans.

Iron Shiek
01-07-2009, 05:58 PM
Temps went up to mid/high 20's. 10 percent chance of snow.

All this weather talk and I just now realize...THAT I'M GOING TO BE IN IT TOO! It went completely past me, I should be paying more attention to this thread I suppose!

Anyway, bring it on. It can't possibly be any colder than A.) The AFCC game against the cheaters where Harrison returned that INT and taunted my section. I have never gotten over that...plus my beer froze in the cup. And B.) Standing in line to get into the bar across the street from the Super Bowl in Detroit for 5 hours...coldest I've ever been.

I bet after the first time they play the Renegade song you will be warmed up along with 60,000+ other fans.

I may run out onto the field and tackle Scifres and tear his ACL in the process so he can't pin us. He's the only one I'm afraid of on that team!

01-07-2009, 06:01 PM
[quote=Jigawatts]Temps went up to mid/high 20's. 10 percent chance of snow.

All this weather talk and I just now realize...THAT I'M GOING TO BE IN IT TOO! It went completely past me, I should be paying more attention to this thread I suppose!

Anyway, bring it on. It can't possibly be any colder than A.) The AFCC game against the cheaters where Harrison returned that INT and taunted my section. I have never gotten over that...plus my beer froze in the cup. And B.) Standing in line to get into the bar across the street from the Super Bowl in Detroit for 5 hours...coldest I've ever been.

I bet after the first time they play the Renegade song you will be warmed up along with 60,000+ other fans.

I may run out onto the field and tackle Scifres and tear his ACL in the process so he can't pin us. He's the only one I'm afraid of on that team![/quote:1kx4v33z]

See there are some disadvanategs to sitting in 70 degree temeratures in Florida--I have to miss all the fun stuff.